Hello there. Wonder if you fine people would lend me your brains. I've just purchased old 'DORA' here (wife named her - Drain On Resources, apparently !), a 12/24v 1991 FFR 110, believed to be ex-RAF. I've not stopped grinning yet ! :).
Question is, is it a 2.25 or a 2.5 diesel. The chassis number gives her as being a 2.5 when she left the factory. The V5 gives her as a 2.25 when she was first registered with Swansea back in 2002. There appears to be no stamp/plate on the engine other than a 'remanufactured for ABRO' plate where I would assume the original engine number was. The plate reads :

Job no: 1PR980000819-5
Date : 03/09/98
S/no : 1600
STD Bore

I understand ABRO to be the agents for the MOD's vehicle repairs. After speaking to ABRO they tell me that they would have contracted the remanufacturing out to a company called 'Whealstone' in the Midlands. Can't find any details about this.

Can anyone tell me if there's a way to ID the engine just from looking at it. My local mechanic could only scratch his head. Land Rover Traceability suggested that the 2.25 (from a series 3) would just never knowlingly be put into a 110.
Military registration was 71-KJ-98.

Appreciate any replies.

I'm afraid I tend to see the best in everyone (and I'm usually right in that) so when a vehicle that left RAF service in 2002 has an engine rebuilt in 1998 by the company who rebuild the engines for the MoD I assumed it would have been fitted by the RAF.
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I'm afraid I tend to see the best in everyone (and I'm usually right in that)
arne't you the lucky one

so when a vehicle that left RAF service in 2002 has an engine rebuilt in 1998 by the company who rebuild the engines for the MoD I assumed it would have been fitted by the RAF.

never assume nowt then yer wint get ripped off. we've seen em on here before series landies advertised as mil spec when it clear only the front bumper has been changed and some olive drab slapped on it.
you really need to check as much as possible and not just take the word of the seller, chances are that if you did discover at a later date it wasn't as described they would just say " oh! isn't it? thats what the person i bought it from said it was. so yer can fook orf as i sold it in good faith"

course not all seller are crooks but you wont find out till its too late so yer best take an expert along with you to verify what the seller is selling.
When I spoke to ABRO they told me the job no. must be one that the company called Whealstone used as it made no sense to them. I've looked the engine over several times but the only numbers I can come up with begin with HRC or HNC etc. These probably part numbers ? A figure '88' stamp also. Even lifted the plate in question off to see if there was anything underneath..........but there isn't.

Still, dodgy 2nd gear selection & continental speedo aside, it runs great. On the flat at least..:p

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