
Hi Folks,

Just a thought. When I rebuilt my series III, I rebuilt and put in a 2.5TD engine my mate had lying about. With all the other calls on my cash during the project I just welded the down pipe from the manifold onto the smaller bore existing 2.25 exhaust. I'm wondering what loss of performance that has caused? Whether it is worth shelling out now for a custom exhaust. any thoughts?

Won't make a significant difference for a 2.5, you only need to start thinking about exhaust size when you go tdi or V8 route, at least that's my personal experience
Me thinks you will have to upgrade as yours is now a tdi, if you look at the size of a disco tdi exhaust diameter or a defender tdi they are bigger
My apologies, I somehow missed the fact it was a T diesel, thought it was a 12J, anything with a turbo will work better with a decent diameter exhaust around the 2" diameter size

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