
Hi folks just wondered if a mix of derv and veg oil will be ok in the diesel 2.25??
If so what mix I'm I looking at?

Ta lads
Veg oil is not good for the CAV pump. I have tried it on a 50/50 mix and found no real economy advantage, the car smelt like a chip shop, smoked a lot and the constant worry over the pump I gave up after a couple of weeks.
Its not usually done because as others said, the lucas CAV pump uses the diesel to lubricate it self, veg oil is too thick to lubricate it, so it basically works untill something snaps or ceases!!! And as its something like £400 for a new pump, I dont think its worth the risk !!!
Well I would have said yes it will run ok on it
Its an old design engine with a injection pump and old school injectors
All injection pumps use diesel for lub

Any one having problems running it may have had a filtration problem

I dont run a diesel landy and dont have first hand knowledge of veg oil mix
Im not always right and dont mind bring proved wrong
i ran mine on VO/diesel for a while, but i knew my pump was on it's way out. The VO might have killed it in the end...
I wouldn't go above 20% VO now, but i do drop the odd litre in if the wife says it's gone rancid. It smells and VO is a bit too viscous for the pump design.
i ran mine on VO/diesel for a while, but i knew my pump was on it's way out. The VO might have killed it in the end...
I wouldn't go above 20% VO now, but i do drop the odd litre in if the wife says it's gone rancid. It smells and VO is a bit too viscous for the pump design.

Ok cheers
I thought and think it will run on it ok
Like the OPs original question im interested to know
The 2.25 diesel may be an option for a series rebuild me and me brother will be doing when we get around to it :D

Any one else got any experience with veg oil in a 2.25
It will probably run ok up to the point the pump siezes or becomes damaged is what I've heard, as others have said it doesnt get lubricated as well as it does when running on diesel
I've ran my 2.25 diesel on 80% used veg cold filtered to 1 micron and 20% diesel since November 13. Probably done 1500 miles.........all good so far. I also used to run a Disco 2 on 80% Biodiesel and 20% diesel.

No harm to either vehicles. Perhaps I've just been lucky!

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