My W reg Freelander with the Rover 2litre diesel starts well but on tickover it hunts. The revs go up and down like someone is blipping the throttle. There is a lack of power as the turbo does not seem to be cutting in. Fuel consumption is crippling my wallet. Someone said it may be the fuel pump, so changed that and no diference. Any suggestions would be greatly received, i am a complete novice when it comes to any form of diesel engine, also my first landrover.
Help please, have posted before but nothing so far seems to have worked.

My W reg Freelander with the Rover 2litre diesel starts well but on tickover it hunts. The revs go up and down like someone is blipping the throttle. There is a lack of power as the turbo does not seem to be cutting in. Fuel consumption is crippling my wallet. Someone said it may be the fuel pump, so changed that and no diference. Any suggestions would be greatly received, i am a complete novice when it comes to any form of diesel engine, also my first landrover.
Help please, have posted before but nothing so far seems to have worked.