Richard B

New Member
Have reposted this at the advice of another member, looking for some advice/help, new on here as recently acquired 1999 Freelander 2Ltr Diesel, 130k miles but full service history and immaculate condition very well looked after. Have noticed when changing from 1st to 2nd gear and when turning ie pulling out of a junction get banging noise (single bang) from rear when engaging 2nd gear , dont get it when not turning and dont get it changing to/from any other gears up or down, any ideas?

Also on starting when turning the ignition key 50% of time I get the starter noise as if I've turned the key to far, doesnt do it all the time, I've tried turning the key quickley and slower doesnt seem to make a difference or have any pattern to it.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated, great site by the way.
Sounds like your rear differential bushes need replacing, though you may get away with only doing the bush at the front of the differential (there's 3 altogether). It's fairly easy to do yourself and the bush costs around £25 from dealers.

Rather than lowering the subframe as some other threads state, you can remove the front bush by disconnecting the two rear bushes from the subframe (just one bolt on each side) which gives the differential more movement and makes getting the front bush out easier.

Not too sure about the starter motor noise. I'm sure someone with expertise on the L series will be along soon.
yup, rear diff bushes and brushes in the starter motor. both easily sorted, mine had the same probs when i bought it.
Thank you both really appreciate your help, was a bit worried it may be something more serious and expensive. Must say you hear a lot of bad things about Land Rover, I know its the cruder L series diesel but overall I'm impressed with it. Thanks again.
The L-series engine has a reputation for being bombproof.

Stop worrying and enjoy!



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