
New Member
Hi there.

I'm Paul from Accrington and I've just bought a Land Rover.
(Sounds a bit like a statement from alcoholics anonymous).
I'm 45 years old and had a choice for my mid-life crisis.........either a bit on the side or a Land Rover. I'm hoping the Land Rover will be cheaper to keep.

I'm awaiting the arrival of my 1987 ex-mod Land Rover 90 from Withams in Grantham. It's a canvas top with about 135,000 km on the clock, N/A 2.5 diesel engine, no MOT, no TAX, no registration.......I must be mad. This can't be a wise decision for a first Landy.

I've dreamt of owning one of these for as long as I can remember. I know very little about car maintenance, so I'm looking at this as a "baptism of fire".

I used to do a bit of work on my old Capri when I was in my late teens, but cars nowadays don't seem to be produced with DIY in mind. My present car (a Fiat Stilo) will require a new exhaust shortly at a cost of between £500 and £1500 whereas a new exhaust on a Landy would cost about £50. A bit of a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, that's how things are at the moment. When I receive the car and assess the costs that will be involved with getting it up and running, I'll be back on here asking for advice. And when it is up and running, I'll be looking for green-laning opportunities.

Cheers Folks.

Welcome Paul,

On the surface I believe you may have made a good choice, have you got a link to any online info/ad for the vehicle?

From my pathetic learnings thus far on this site I belive the 2.5 n/a is regarded as a relatively sound engine, and the MOD vehicles get looked after with regular servicing and maintenance, even if they might get ragged around by enthusiastic cannon fodder
Welcome Paul,

On the surface I believe you may have made a good choice, have you got a link to any online info/ad for the vehicle?

From my pathetic learnings thus far on this site I belive the 2.5 n/a is regarded as a relatively sound engine, and the MOD vehicles get looked after with regular servicing and maintenance, even if they might get ragged around by enthusiastic cannon fodder

Who are you calling "CANNON FODDER":mad: And welcome to landyzone:D
Thank you.

I've no link to the vehicle. I bought from the latest tender a few weeks ago. Withams is a great place to visit. Everything from Fire Engines to helicopters. Must've been a hundred or so Land Rovers ranging from lowly 90's like mine up to Wolfs and Snatches in varying shades of destruction. Well worth a look if you're interested in a Landy or something a bit weird and wonderful. Link below:-

MOD Sales, Military Vehicles & Used Ex MOD Land Rovers for Sale
Welcome to Landyzone:welcome2::welcome2:

If you don't know much about cars and Land Rovers in particular you soon will, or you will end up skint ;)

Stick around here, try to look beyond the insults, micky taking and general childishness and you will find a wealth of knowledge and all the help and advice you need :)

You can always join in the silliness during those times you aren't actually fretting about the latest catastrophe to befall your new motorised hair shirt :)
Thanks everyone for the welcomes......ha ha.

Just had it delivered this morning and already encountered 2 problems:-

Flat battery - had to replace - cost £103.

The little diff lock/ratio lever doesn't want to engage in anything other than lo ratio with diff lock. Anywhere else is like stirring porridge. So, at the moment I can only drive the Landy in lo ratio with diff lock on. Has anybody any CHEAP suggestions how to rectify this problem?

Thank you (in advance)
have a look low and hi ratio while using the same lever are totally seperate functions ,sideways is diff in out wherever lever is forward .back ,take tunnel off and check /lube linkage and where cross shaft is in housing
Don't drive it in difflock on'll wind up the centre diff

Sounds like a linkage issue, if you can't see from underneath then take the gearbox tunnel off
I won't be driving it until this problem is sorted anyway. The Landy is going to be a bit of a project for a while. I'm running a boring old Fiat Stilo until the Landy is fully functional, at which point, the Popemobile will find it's way to or other suitable purchaser and the Landy will be my full time drain on my finances. Ho hum.

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