
New Member
dont think we're having much luck with the new car we got yesterday. wE GOT A x REG 2001 FREELANDER S TD4

i drove back from garage, its really nice 2 drive really like it !! got home , had dinner then went out, started fine no problems. i went to go and it wouldn't start , it would turn over but not firing !! kept trying it, rang the garage , he said it was to do with the immobilser had 2 walk home get the other set of keys to try that ...

rang garage back up said no luck , so he said ring a local garage to come and look then we'll pay for the costs. As they are over an hour away from my home. I rang up local garage they said they cant come out til after 6pm or 2 mo morning !!

so i rang up RAC !! rang them , they came out within the hour !! he said start it up lets see whats going on ..... guess what ....its started straight away !!! After 2 hours of trying and working out what could be wrong it started !!

god how embarrassing was that !!

Took it out at night fine starting up etc ..then the car wouldn't start again !!!!!!!!!!! couldn't believe it !!!

rang rac again , he came out, he checked fuel pumps which were working fine but 4 some reason not getting to the engine ?? he tried til 10pm to get it going ..still nothing he couldn't tow us home so he had 2 arrange 4 pick up truck 2 pick us up !!

started up the car when we got back , still nothing !!

started the car this morning and it went !!!

HAs any ideas what can be wrong ..could it be immobilser or something else ??

i really like the car , though this has put me off . alot people keep saying thats what you get for freelanders !!??
having the same problem. on mine I have traced it back to the fuel pump in the engine bay. try turning the ignition on and listening to hear the fuel pumps run. one in thee tank and the other under the bonnet LHS of car. (RHS as you look at engine). pump in fuel tank tends to show its weakness when fuel level is low and one under the bonnet will often respond to being tapped or knocked as a short term fix
Doesn't really matter what the problem is - You've just bought the car from a garage so it's up to them to sort it out! They should arrange to get your car back to themselves or to a repairer to get it sorted. It's very common to find problems with a second hand car as the previous owner would have not bothered fixing things as they were planning to ged rid of it!

Don't take any nonsense off the garage and try not to stress about it - It's their problem and their responsibility to sort it.

Let us know what they say...


hello , thanks to *aussielander* and *rriggs* for your replies !

spoke to the garage earlier on in the day (before they received the car back) they think it could possibly be the secondary fuel pump ?? but when the RAC came out last night he said the pump working at the back and the front was fine so still not 100 % sure on what going on.

they are going to ring me back by end of the day for the verdict !!

I just hate the waiting ... just wish it was sorted!!
Stick with it mate it'll be worth it! And let us know if the garage start messing you about!


as far as im aware all used cars from a dealer of any kind come with 3 months warrenty..... that is the law..
sale of goods act etc fit for the use of.
have a look here mate if they start to give you agro.

Garage services - The Consumer Forums

cracking site......

also got my bank charges back using this site so they realy know there onions

good luck mate , hope it gets sorted.

hello again !

Rang garage up this morning to see whether they had looked at the freelander. They havent had time today?? but they are sending to a 4x4 garage for them to look at it , which im pleased about it . but they cant look at it til monday !!

But when i rang the garage yesterday 1 man said yes we are looking at it 2mo (sat), they were going to stay after lunchtime to see what they can do?? i told the garage this today he said No , i think the other person is talking silly talk!!? he said we cant drop everything . which is fair enough but why do 1 person say 1 thing and some1 else says another ???

We have a 3 month warranty with the garage so they are sorting things out. They came over to collect the freelander (it did start that time) and gave us a courtesy car (nissan primera..wasnt impressed at all with that , all falling to bits!?) havent even used that cos its quite an embarrassement ! anyway once the garage had our freelander it didnt start for them (which was another good thing!)

will post another message on Monday once i get 2 hear the latest, thanks to you all, who has left comments , much appreciated !!
hello again !

spoke to the garage this evening , they have put the freelander on their computer and its showing no faults at all . so they dont no what they are looking for !

it never went to the 4x4 garage like they said previously, they done it in their workshop.

i really dont no what to do? i really dont want it back for it to happen again !

any ideas ??
Give nags100 a ring at hucknall landrovers (01159680325), ask for gaz an tell him you are from landy zone, He should be able to give you a good idea what is wrong with it.
They are legally obliged to sort it - Just because they don't have the expertise/knowledge/equipment is irrelevant. Insist that they send it somewhere else if they can't do it even if that means they have to stump up for a main dealer to have a look.

Your car has a fault (which you say they have witnessed) and it is their obligation to recitify it.

They have absolutely no grounds on which they can refuse so, if they try post back on here or PM me and I will give you the legal info you need to force them into action.

Let us know what happens.

i hope you get it sorted ! Had a similar prob when we traded in our car, the car we got was a pig in a poke we stuck to our guns even though the garage said it was already sold and we got it back !!!!

as some one already said stick with it and you will enjoy it !!!!
i think now would be a great time to give trading standards a ring.....
they hate people getting stung with dodgy cars.

Give them a ring and see how you stand. read the small print on your recept for the car, also if the car is on fianance, call them and let them know you will not be paying for it as it dosnt work, remember they own the car till you have payed it off... they wont be to happy...

good luck mate

Hello again

Been speaking to garage this morning. They took the freelander home with them yesterday , they kept going out to it at different times to see whether it starts or not . Each time it started.

They took it back 2 work this morning , left it for half hour, started straight away! they been trying this throughout the day . each time it starts.

They have been talking to Land Rover, who are saying it can be a number of things. But cant really say until its not working properly !

They are keeping it until it goes wrong again, If they havent decided on anything by this evening then i will insist on sending it to a dealer.

Typical it hasnt gone wrong for last 2 days !! though im glad it had gone wrong on friday once they had collected the car.

We traded in our old car and paid the difference, wish i had stop the money going out now!!

The garage has been good with us,understanding and polite. they say they are sorting things but im quite impatient !! ??
the usual suspect for non starting on the td4 is the cam shaft sensor, it is only needed for starting,
hello again !

The garage had been trying the freelander throughout the day waiting for a non start , and finally they got it !! so now the garage was able to get the computers 2it and hopefully find out whats going on ! they have rang the previous owners to see if they had the same type of problems . According to them it happened once .

Anyway the garage has just rang (8.20pm) to say they have found the problem ... the cam shaft sensor.

really pleased they have found the problem and we will soon be able to enjoy our freelander !

hope not to have too many problems in the future, but thanks 4 all your comments

P.S can i just ask another question please ....i believe the TD4 have timing chains, do you ever need to change them at so many miles ( you would cam belt)
hello again !

The garage had been trying the freelander throughout the day waiting for a non start , and finally they got it !! so now the garage was able to get the computers 2it and hopefully find out whats going on ! they have rang the previous owners to see if they had the same type of problems . According to them it happened once .

Anyway the garage has just rang (8.20pm) to say they have found the problem ... the cam shaft sensor.

really pleased they have found the problem and we will soon be able to enjoy our freelander !

hope not to have too many problems in the future, but thanks 4 all your comments

P.S can i just ask another question please ....i believe the TD4 have timing chains, do you ever need to change them at so many miles ( you would cam belt)
Good luck with it. If you have bought an extended warranty make sure you book it in with them and ask them how often it should be serviced and make sure they stamp your book, if you dont they can legally get out of obligation in the future despite having payed for a warranty.

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