
I have changed the cover gasket on my 19j DPS pump. Have put it back together. The control next to the throttle (dont know its name feels a bit stiff as if its rubbing but don't know on what. I took care to align it with the plate below. I ensured that the top throttle plate located correctly. I have bled it from the filter down but no mater what I do, cannot get fuel to the injectors so wont start. I have also checked the feed to the turbo, nothing. I have gone through a full battery trying to start. On charge again. The pump was fine before I started (apart from a leak) The stop solenoid is fine. Any suggestions please?


I am about to take the cover off again. I think its to do with the alignment of the leaver in the photo attached. Which side of the bottom slide does it align with? I used some wire to locate in-between the slide , not sure it that is correct?

Any advice welcome!!!!!


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They are horribly complex things ... which I guess is why I (and others) suggested you sent it to an expert (Diesel Bob for example).
Did something similar a while back, can not remember details. Found a video on the tube which helped sort the issue.
They are horribly complex things ... which I guess is why I (and others) suggested you sent it to an expert (Diesel Bob for example).
Thats plan B. I am lucky that it is not my primary transport so I have time and can try and work through it.
Found the problem when I went back in, the circlip on the bottom of the throttle has come off and gone missing. Could be anywhere inside. New pump require I think :(
Manged to recover circlip and washer. Woohoo!!!!
Question, what is the throttle position when putting to cover back on. Is it in the fully open position when re assembled and how do I align the cold start leaver? I have noticed that the regulator plate jams if slightly twisted and I think it may be down to the tension from the throttle position, is that right?
They are horribly complex things ... which I guess is why I (and others) suggested you sent it to an expert (Diesel Bob for example).
Manged to recover circlip and washer. Woohoo!!!!
Question, what is the throttle position when putting to cover back on. Is it in the fully open position when re assembled and how do I align the cold start leaver? I have noticed that the regulator plate jams if slightly twisted and I think it may be down to the tension from the throttle position, is that right?
Iirc remember correctly the throttle will be in the idle position and any link rods inside go in the holes that relate to the code not the model but the actual code for that inj pump.
When I did the cover seal on mine a few years back I had a similar problem with it not starting. turned out to be the drive locator on the linkage that attaches to the top of the throttle spindle.
It wasn't locating properly on to the spindle so when doing up the nut it allowed the spindle to rotate and remove the spring tension from the internal spring on the spindle then the linkage would not open the throttle.
Managed to find it by turning operating the spindle with a spanner while someone else tried starting it.
Filed down the linkage a little to ensure it located properly on to the throttle spindle and off it went.
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