
New Member
Hi there
I'm looking for advice which I can use to direct a mechanic - I'm currently in Florence, Italy and will be for at least the next 12 months... I also know ZERO about the mechanics of my superb and loved disco..

My 1999 Discovery has developed a regular clunking sound under the front, nearside floor plate. I can hear and feel it when traveling straight and only between 30-40 mph.. I don't notice it when travelling faster. The body has dipped down over the FNS wheel arch too - about a 2 inch difference in height between the front wheels.

So, due to my complete lack of knowledge, I'm hoping I might receive advice which I can use to direct a local garage mechanic .. I'm also trying to not get ripped off with a huge garage bill...

One additional question - squeaky fan belt; I'm assuming if this happens it could be a bearing or belt replacement needed.. and that it needs taking apart to find out before diagnosis?

As you might tell, i'm s*** scared of ballsing up, ending up with huge bills...:boom:

Many thanks in advance!

broken spring maybe 2 inch is a big drop and should be fairlly noticable when lookin underneeth.
droplink on antiroll bar
if replacing belt go for contitech wich is the oem belt
best check your front propshaft while your at it for clunking

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