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Hi all, OK I know this is my fault, just wondering if I might get away with it or no...
-Previous owner spent £2k having a leak fixed on the box - I never found out where.
- A while ago he would need to wind himself up to get drive first thing in the morning, eventually to the point where changing from R to D and back would help, then he'd clunk into gear and reverse out of my space.
- Then he'd run fine most of the day, unless I drove him hard or we got into stop/start traffic, in which case he's wiiiiiiinnd!! himself up then LURCH into GO! Better once traffic opened up again.
I know, I know, suspected low fluid, I was hoping he'd cope until I could afford to pay someone to replace fluid and filter for me. Don't tell me it's relatively cheap. Important word is relatively.
-Thursday night, dogs in the back on the way home from the vets, I'm pulling off a dual carriageway to get some diesel and he stalled. Yup, my auto stalled. Started ok, drove to cashpoint, stopped, started again, drove to pump, engine off, got diesel, yada yada, all fine, cruised down motorway 2 junctions, all ok. Occasionally felt a bit rough as if dirt in the injectors, which I put down to maybe running him low on fuel. Kick him down and wahay, off we go warp speed Mr Sulu!
- I get to town, slow down for t-lights and right turn off main road and he's trying to stall. I manage to swing him through, up side road to a mini roundabout, and BONK. STALLED. Engine starts but as soon as I shift him into any gear THUNK as if I'm chained to a 110 behind me and he stalls.
- In desperation I try low range 4th... no objection to changing to low range, and he crawls home the last 1/2 mile or so, even changing from L1 to L2 at one point.
-I manage to swing him into my parking space, brake hard and he stalls - no selection of neutral.

My local friendly ind specialist suggest little hope, but try refilling with fluid, if he goes bring him over and they'll flush the box and cooler of the probable swarf and cross our fingers - but it's a slim chance. Chances are I've killed his gearbox.

SENSIBLE suggestions please. I've done ATF and filter change before, but that was before Parkinsons sapped my strength, energy and money.
Hi all, OK I know this is my fault, just wondering if I might get away with it or no...
-Previous owner spent £2k having a leak fixed on the box - I never found out where.
- A while ago he would need to wind himself up to get drive first thing in the morning, eventually to the point where changing from R to D and back would help, then he'd clunk into gear and reverse out of my space.
- Then he'd run fine most of the day, unless I drove him hard or we got into stop/start traffic, in which case he's wiiiiiiinnd!! himself up then LURCH into GO! Better once traffic opened up again.
I know, I know, suspected low fluid, I was hoping he'd cope until I could afford to pay someone to replace fluid and filter for me. Don't tell me it's relatively cheap. Important word is relatively.
-Thursday night, dogs in the back on the way home from the vets, I'm pulling off a dual carriageway to get some diesel and he stalled. Yup, my auto stalled. Started ok, drove to cashpoint, stopped, started again, drove to pump, engine off, got diesel, yada yada, all fine, cruised down motorway 2 junctions, all ok. Occasionally felt a bit rough as if dirt in the injectors, which I put down to maybe running him low on fuel. Kick him down and wahay, off we go warp speed Mr Sulu!
- I get to town, slow down for t-lights and right turn off main road and he's trying to stall. I manage to swing him through, up side road to a mini roundabout, and BONK. STALLED. Engine starts but as soon as I shift him into any gear THUNK as if I'm chained to a 110 behind me and he stalls.
- In desperation I try low range 4th... no objection to changing to low range, and he crawls home the last 1/2 mile or so, even changing from L1 to L2 at one point.
-I manage to swing him into my parking space, brake hard and he stalls - no selection of neutral.

My local friendly ind specialist suggest little hope, but try refilling with fluid, if he goes bring him over and they'll flush the box and cooler of the probable swarf and cross our fingers - but it's a slim chance. Chances are I've killed his gearbox.

SENSIBLE suggestions please. I've done ATF and filter change before, but that was before Parkinsons sapped my strength, energy and money.
You sure it's not an engine problem? The torque converter should still slip even if the oil is low so the engine should not stall. Diagnostics before jumping to conclusions.
If it's the gearbox, a second hand one from a breaker would be your best option, an HP22 can be bought for less than £200. The stronger HP24 for little more but might cost more to fit as some changes are necessary.
OK what kind of engine problem? I'd be surprised because
a) I did try the 'rev the engine in neutral and bang it into gear' approach to getting him moving, and the engine starts and revs happily but the gearbox slams it to a stop;
b) he moves in low range but not high range.
I've just dug my fluids hand pump out of the shed. Knackered.
OK what kind of engine problem? I'd be surprised because
a) I did try the 'rev the engine in neutral and bang it into gear' approach to getting him moving, and the engine starts and revs happily but the gearbox slams it to a stop;
b) he moves in low range but not high range.
I've just dug my fluids hand pump out of the shed. Knackered.
So maybe the torque converter has locked up.
OK thanks guys sounds plausible - so how do I unlock it??

Struth, no other way than change torque converter, if that’s what it is?

New fluid would be cheaper but may do nothing. Could work but wouldn’t be permanent fix. Should pull a 110 around with no wheels on.
Not sure which one you need, seem to be around £2-300 exchange for recon unit

New OE about £3G!

Oil and filter change is a lot cheaper but gamble.
Has the fluid level been checked. Some Transmission Fix and a change is cheapest option to try before new torque converter.
Has the fluid level been checked. Some Transmission Fix and a change is cheapest option to try before new torque converter.
Not read the OP's post then? Been running with suspected low fluid level for some time.
Might be worth trying a fluid change but Transmission fix would be a waste of cash as it not likely to fix it if the torque converter has locked up.
Not read the OP's post then? Been running with suspected low fluid level for some time.
Might be worth trying a fluid change but Transmission fix would be a waste of cash as it not likely to fix it if the torque converter has locked up.

Suspected or has anyone actually checked? Seems if it is full then that's one question answered.
As I said, a second hand box & torque converter from a scrapper is going to be your best bet, box and torque converter about £300 + fitting. I'm a bit far away or I would donate the whole lot from my scrapper.
Aww thank you! I'd take you up on that if we were but closer. My garage has estimated 8 hours to change the gearbox! Really, that's very kind, thank you! :)
I'm going to buy some fluid tomorrow, only found a couple of litres in the shed. Once I know it's full, if there is drive then it's going for a clean out and new filter; if not, torque converter investigation and see where we go from there?
I'm going to buy some fluid tomorrow, only found a couple of litres in the shed. Once I know it's full, if there is drive then it's going for a clean out and new filter; if not, torque converter investigation and see where we go from there?

Check with the engine running it should read full or thereabouts on the dipstick "if applicable"
If not slide underneath and remove the fill bolt from the front of the sump a stream of fluid should trickle out, if not top it off until some does come out Fnarr!

run it through the gears pausing in each for 3 seconds, then check again, top off if nesessary..
Check with the engine running it should read full or thereabouts on the dipstick "if applicable"
If not slide underneath and remove the fill bolt from the front of the sump a stream of fluid should trickle out, if not top it off until some does come out Fnarr!

run it through the gears pausing in each for 3 seconds, then check again, top off if nesessary..
Yup, thanks Henry, been there done that, not my first time around changing auto fluid but thanks.
They stopped fitting dipsticks a year or so before this MY.
Yup, thanks Henry, been there done that, not my first time around changing auto fluid but thanks.
They stopped fitting dipsticks a year or so before this MY.

i had a 4hp24 on the bench that was more shagged than Kerry Katona, Reverse was mostly out of office, and forwards was also clearing its desk ready to go

The old autobox was truly shagged. clutches breaking up, semi-shredded and welded together with heat and abuse, so all was full of shards of metal and headed for the bin. Guess someone had run the poor thing low on oil at some point like yours..

Pull the sump and have a look at the magnets in the bottom, and also have a look for tell tale black scum on the sump itself which is clutch material.. ;)

throw some Lucarse tranny additive in it..

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