
Well-Known Member
Was talking to a mate today about ECUs, cats and related electrickery and exhaustin stuff. Should a 1998 300tdi have lots of electrical engine management stuff or is it all mechanical/manual and should it have some kind of catastrophic converter cos mine just seems to be captain caveman stuff.
Should a 1998 300tdi have lots of electrical engine management stuff
Mine is 1998 and it has no sparky garbage attached 'cept for central locking and 'leccy windows, plus no cat converter, that is why I bought that particular "S" model, some of the others of around that area have immobilisers, air bags ABS etc and elect devices on the injection Pump, better off without that troublesome ****e.
Sometimes depends what markets they were made for, EPA laws etc.
It depends on the specification to which a vehicle was built. Generally ones with automatic gearboxes had electronic diesel control, but not invariably, as some did not. Vehicles with manual gearboxes generally had mechanical engine control although a few had EDC. Some had ABS brakes, and others did not. Some had airconditioning, and others did not.
Thank fook for that. I hates electrickery - you can't see it coming or going , it's either there or it's not and if it's there when you don't want it to be it opens up a whole ****-tip of problems ...

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