
New Member
My battery has gone in the Disco - groan. Other Landyzoners have advised to "put the biggest size you can fit" - Okay the standard manual says put in a type 72. My mate, who has a landie, put in a 69 for me, which has lasted for 9 years! Though it was not the type stated by the 'show room owners book"

I really would love and appreciate some experienced help here: Q1) I want to replace the battery - again, the largest capacity (?) seems important (especially as I might add extra front lamps etc) what should/can I put in. My terminals are -neg (left) +pos(right) as you look from the front - under the bonnet. I'll even measure the exact size - using (a carbroad template) if I have too. Q2) Also, what make should I purchase and Q3) where could I get one? (er..of course as cheap as possible)

If anyone requires any further info about my disco in order to aid me, then please, please let me know.

Why all this: Oh yeah, after many many years I am "re" starting maintaining my own Disco ( mid life crisis?) - I'm pretty "rusty" and thought I could do with some refresher advice. I was recommended this forum becuase of it's experience. Well, here goes - Me: Lesson one: Batteries.

Thanks for reading.

Dunno much about battery specs but I'll go with the biggest one you can shoehorn in ( and then a 2nd one on a charge splitter ) . Disco batteries go flat real quick if not used everyday.
as for maintenance welcome back to the (oily?) joys of Landrover
an 072 battery is the correct one and should be a nice tight fit in the tray with the terminals on the correct sides.
just put one on the rangey cost me £75.
There are 2 specific elements to a succesful battery installation in a Disco:

1. The static amp/hrs capacity such as 60a/hr 70, 80 100 etc

2. The second is the crucial one for judging engine starting capabilities and the is CCA (Cold Cranking Amps) in other words the battery's ability to deliver great wodges of juice to turn the engine over quickly for efficient starting. Examples an 072 std battery has a CCA of 610, which is adequate but the more CCA the better.

I bought an Optima Red Top, with a CCA of 810, now that baby kicks the engine into life !!!! Costs about £120 inc vat from Paddocks.
i agree with the optima battery as i will get one shortly, there is alot of info on these batteries on the net it is worth a search

have a look at a commercial batteries, around 110amp; its the alternator
that will take the load from any extras you put on so make sure it will cope
if you start adding on

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