D300, you are wrong....Superlocking does more than just engage a second lock....it also means that the EKA will be required .....NOT superlocking means the EKA isn't required...

And Thatcham Catagory 1 doesn't require the need for an EKA code, just a method of engine imobilisation....

The P38 Security system has 2 modes of operation, one that does conform to the Thatcham rules (Superlocking) and one that doesn't (Normal Locking)


But if you wanted to Normal Lock the car, you as the owner take the risk of it being stolen, because, as you rightly say, the vehicle becomes a bit easier to steal...
D300, you are wrong....Superlocking does more than just engage a second lock....it also means that the EKA will be required .....NOT superlocking means the EKA isn't required...

And Thatcham Catagory 1 doesn't require the need for an EKA code, just a method of engine imobilisation....

The P38 Security system has 2 modes of operation, one that does conform to the Thatcham rules (Superlocking) and one that doesn't (Normal Locking)


But if you wanted to Normal Lock the car, you as the owner take the risk of it being stolen, because, as you rightly say, the vehicle becomes a bit easier to steal...
The SECURIST method as in movement inside and doors that you could not Physically open like you can with a locked car , but immobilisation still takes place both ways doh!
The SECURIST method as in movement inside and doors that you could not Physically open like you can with a locked car , but immobilisation still takes place both ways doh!
Yes immobilisation does take place, but the method of remobilisation is different....after a Supelock you need to enter the EKA to remobilse the engine...

After a Normal Lock, all you need is a key in the ignition, and the central locking to have been actuated using the key in the door lock....

The immobilisation resulting from a normal lock just stops the engine from being started if the car has been broken into and not opened up....

Superlocking imobilisation needs a security code either sent from the key fob electronically or via the input of the EKA.....

So yes you are right the enigne is imobilised in either case, but the method of remobilisation is different depending on the previous locking method!...
Yes immobilisation does take place, but the method of remobilisation is different....after a Supelock you need to enter the EKA to remobilse the engine...

After a Normal Lock, all you need is a key in the ignition, and the central locking to have been actuated using the key in the door lock....

The immobilisation resulting from a normal lock just stops the engine from being started if the car has been broken into and not opened up....

Superlocking imobilisation needs a security code either sent from the key fob electronically or via the input of the EKA.....

So yes you are right the enigne is imobilised in either case, but the method of remobilisation is different depending on the previous locking method!...

Right your almost there so if by normal or super locking your back in the car with a fob that don't work how the bloody hell is the car going to know weather is a screwdriver in the ignition or a key that's why you still need a code when the engine it immobilised !
Right your almost there......
Don't do that, unnecessary.....

I give up, if that is the low, sarcastic and debase attitude you are going to take with me, when I have shown no malice nor belittlement to yourself, then I will end this conversation here.

You need to listen/read what is being said, I have run two of my P38's in this manner and I have never needed the EKA code....

When the car is normally locked the engine is immobilised. But the car can be opened from inside. Super lock actives the interior ultrasonic and the car cannot be opened from inside.
When the car is normally locked the engine is immobilised. But the car can be opened from inside. Super lock actives the interior ultrasonic and the car cannot be opened from inside.
True, the discussion is about if the EKA is or is not required following a normal locking....

D300 seems to say the EKA is always required when unlocking from the Key...

I am saying the EKA is only required after the vehicle has been previously superlocked and you are unlocking on the key (as per the handbook extract I attached).
ACTUALLY - I think we are both right.....:eek:

I was reading back and I have missed a whole page of posts somehow.....:eek:

I am right in saying you do not need to enter the EKA after a normal lock condition....

You are right in saying the fob still needs to be functioning, even if the buttons aren't due to damage.....but that is only the case with the Passive Coil model years...which I think was 99 onwards (my DSE)...but doesn't explain how come my earlier P38's didn't need the EKA code when I used the Key in the Door!

I offer an Olive Branch and apology as I think we are both right, just arguing from a different stand point!

Would a brave member be willing to test the theory by doing the various locking methods below with both batteries in and taking the batteries out of their handset and test each different lock and unlock method (of which there are 8 permitations....)

  • Superloocked on Fob - Unlocked on Fob
  • Superlocked on Fob - Unlocked on Key
  • Superlocked on Key - Unlocked on Fob
  • Superlocked on Key - Unlocked on Key
  • Locked on Fob - Unlocked on Fob
  • Locked on Fob - Unlocked on Key
  • Locked on Key - Unlocked on Key
  • Locked on Key - Unlocked on Fob

And tell us what happens :D
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There are only two types of alarming the car as you know locking
And super locking .buy locking with the key/fob no matter if you use the key of fob they all result in what ever you have chosen!

With the key/ fob fours ways of locking that mimic the above
First, fob push once will lock doors and tailgate and immobilise the engine

Second ,fob not working put key in turn once will lock doors and tailgate and immobilise engine
If someone were to come along with a brick and throw it through the window the alarm would not go off you could open the door by the slam lock open door alarm will go off
Put a screw driver In ignition and brake it ect but it would not start without the eka code.
Or as above but just braking the door barrel open door and trying to start it eka needed as the engine is immobilised .

Three press fob twice as above but now you have security locked the door that cannot be opened and activated the movement alarm so if a window were to be broken the alarm would go off eka needed or if you tried to do lock in door but you be able to open the door would you as its double locked

Four put key in turn twice quickly super locked via key as above

So all this crap about depends if you locked it with the fob is crap , its not the locking of the car with either the key or the fob that matters as there is only two Different alarmed states !!
Its the unlocking that matters if you havent got that working fob Emmiting a signal you can only open with a key that's why the eka system eas put there as now the car knows it you not a screwdriver !!!!

Now you say I'm Sarcastic if I wanted to be that I'd say why dont you and your side kick stop trying to think your know it all's and let others have there views without being FRIGIN smitten!

Yes I know the book tell you activating the superlocking will require eka but open your pea of a mind just a little bit wider and think

Ps how's that for Sarcasm :):):)
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.......Its the unlocking that matters if you havent got that working fob Emmiting a signal you can only open with a key that's why the eka system eas put there as now the car knows it you not a screwdriver !!!!......
I offered you an Olive Branch and an Apology above as I said I think we are arguing the same point from different angles....

It wasn't until I realised I had missed a whole page of threads that I realised you are talking about a totally non-functioning key fob and not one where just the buttons didn't work which is what I was talking about...we are both right....and you are correct above....

As for your comments about having a pea brain - I have not made nor cast such belittling comments about you nor the company you keep, I find it a little harsh that you would stoop to such a level...

As for my Side Kick as you put it, Datatek has corrected me and I have corrected him, we both don't think we are the be all and end all of all things Range Rover - and I never profess to be so, and Datatek doesn't even like them...on the occasions where you have been correct, I have backed you up in discussions with Datatek/Wammers et al...as I post as I see it, not through some sense of online loyalty..and neither do Datatek or Wammers....

I am all open for a discussion but not if it is going to resort to belittlement, and considering I have offered an apology and admitted I missed a bunch of posts which put your argument into context and as such offered an olive branch...yet you still retort with belittlement and sarcasm, maybe that just shows something I didn't know about you previously!
I offered you an Olive Branch and an Apology above as I said I think we are arguing the same point from different angles....

It wasn't until I realised I had missed a whole page of threads that I realised you are talking about a totally non-functioning key fob and not one where just the buttons didn't work which is what I was talking about...we are both right....and you are correct above....

As for your comments about having a pea brain - I have not made nor cast such belittling comments about you nor the company you keep, I find it a little harsh that you would stoop to such a level...

As for my Side Kick as you put it, Datatek has corrected me and I have corrected him, we both don't think we are the be all and end all of all things Range Rover - and I never profess to be so, and Datatek doesn't even like them...on the occasions where you have been correct, I have backed you up in discussions with Datatek/Wammers et al...as I post as I see it, not through some sense of online loyalty..and neither do Datatek or Wammers....

I am all open for a discussion but not if it is going to resort to belittlement, and considering I have offered an apology and admitted I missed a bunch of posts which put your argument into context and as such offered an olive branch...yet you still retort with belittlement and sarcasm, maybe that just shows something I didn't know about you previously!
I am working here, and whist typing I cannot read !
Oops I do accept just should or been a bit quicker perhaps :eek:
Xx love you :) right I better do some real work

Not sure if I'm being distracted from work
Or the other work is distracting me from lz ;)
I find Work distracts LZ....then again my boss likes to read what you guys talk about oo, so often times he appears over my shoulder, and goes 'Come on then, whats the latest hot topic, lets have a look?!'

He just laughs at me when I phone up and tell him I'm gonna be late due to some random fault on the car....aslong as I do my work and I don't get complaints from my work, he is happy!

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