So I'd be crazy trying to us one of these systems to link to my hardwired PC as an on board system ???

Darn it!!! there goes another good idea...

Somebody at Land Rover...

PLEASE borrow those T4 CD's from work and copy them, then sell them on ebay or post them on the tinternet for us all to download!!!

I would happily pay a few quid for them
Somebody at Land Rover...

PLEASE borrow those T4 CD's from work and copy them, then sell them on ebay or post them on the tinternet for us all to download!!!

I would happily pay a few quid for them
A fewquid that would be better spent on beer for all the good they would do you.You also need all the cables and a docking station before it would work.
I'd be chuffed to bits - I paid nearly 11k for my T4.
Thanks eightinavee, Hows about a copy then and i'll send you some beer money whether they'll work for me or not...

how's about a tenna? - The price of a few blank cd's and a beer for you and a couple of mates in your local.

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