It's been a few days since my last post, but I've finally made some progress with my main issue; the battery drain. Thought I'd better post an update, should anyone have the same issue...

It turns out the RF receiver wasn't the cause of my problem, though it may not have been helping so I've left the antenna off until I get the replacement unit. 3½ days after giving the battery a full charge she was dead as a dodo again. Now knowing a bit more about how the BECM works, the current it should draw when awake & asleep, and how long it takes to go to sleep, etc, I decided to re-do my fusebox elimination test from scratch.

After waiting 2 mins for the BECM to go to sleep, the current draw dropped from the normal 700mA, but not as far as the 30mA as it should have.. it was still registering 120mA with a sleeping BECM. I set about pulling each fuse in turn; none of the fuses in the engine bay made any difference, but the 4th fuse I pulled from under the seat saw the current drop down to the 30mA I was looking for.

So I've found the circuit causing the problem.. interior fuse 4, which is the "Transfer Box ECU", which also ties in nicely with the fact that I haven't been able to use low range since I bought it - something I wasn't immediately concerned about as I don't plan to do any off-roading at this point.

So the battery's back on charge and should hopefully stay charged for weeks rather than days, now I've removed the offending fuse. I will get around to fixing the transfer box one day, but it's not exactly vital for every day use. I'm one happy camper.

I should fix it sooner rather than later, if you ever need to tow it you need to be able to select transfer box neutral. I would guess it's the motor, but it's possible it's stuck slightly off the end of travel.
Will sticking a fuse in slot 11 not select transfer neutral? I will get around to it, but it's not immediately vital.. I need a charge in the battery more. :)
Incidentally the message "TRANSFER NEUTRAL" has appeared two or three times, but I put it down to low battery voltage confusing the BECM.
Incidentally the message "TRANSFER NEUTRAL" has appeared two or three times, but I put it down to low battery voltage confusing the BECM.

That's probably true. If you can't select low range, putting fuse 11 in is not going to select transfer neutral. It may also be that the gear is not fully selected which could end shagging the transfer box.:eek:
Eek. Ok.. anything I can do manually to ensure it's in neutral? Or is it a mechanic jobby?

With the motor off you can hand wind it I believe, never had to try it though. Probably just the motor needs a clean and lube although there are other possibilities.
Right - I'm downloading RAVE as we speak. May be time to get my hands properly dirty... :D

PS - I was going to direct link to the RAVE download, but decided not to as no one ever seems to do that - they just tell people to Google it. Is it against forum rules?
Right - I'm downloading RAVE as we speak. May be time to get my hands properly dirty... :D

PS - I was going to direct link to the RAVE download, but decided not to as no one ever seems to do that - they just tell people to Google it. Is it against forum rules?

Don't think so????:confused:
@ Datatek
"That's probably true. If you can't select low range, putting fuse 11 in is not going to select transfer neutral. It may also be that the gear is not fully selected which could end shagging the transfer box."

Mine wouldn't go into low range and I eventually traced it to a loose earth wire leading to the transfer box ECU connector pack. But what I wanted ask was: when it wasn't working I put a fuse into slot 11 and the message centre told me it had gone into transfer neutral? Was it lying to me? (I didn't hear any clunk to indicate it had mechanically done what it said it had done).
@ Datatek
"That's probably true. If you can't select low range, putting fuse 11 in is not going to select transfer neutral. It may also be that the gear is not fully selected which could end shagging the transfer box."

Mine wouldn't go into low range and I eventually traced it to a loose earth wire leading to the transfer box ECU connector pack. But what I wanted ask was: when it wasn't working I put a fuse into slot 11 and the message centre told me it had gone into transfer neutral? Was it lying to me? (I didn't hear any clunk to indicate it had mechanically done what it said it had done).

Probably lying to you as the motor and contacts were in a false position or the bad earth was giving high resistance readings from the position switches:eek:
If it's really in Transfer Neutral, on an Auto, in D.. should you have no drive? I'd have thought that'd be the easiest way to tell whether it's lying or not?
If it's really in Transfer Neutral, on an Auto, in D.. should you have no drive? I'd have thought that'd be the easiest way to tell whether it's lying or not?

Yes if it is in transfer neutral, no drive. But it is possible for the ECU to think it's in transfer neutral due to position problems, switch problems, wiring problems etc.
Yes if it is in transfer neutral, no drive. But it is possible for the ECU to think it's in transfer neutral due to position problems, switch problems, wiring problems etc.
Indeed - I was just suggesting a foolproof way for Baloney999 to know one way or t'other whether it's *really* in neutral, despite what the ECU's telling us.
best fool proof way to find if in neutral is to try and push it !!!!!!!!!!!
or jack it up and spin a wheel
I'd say it's less effort to start the engine and try to drive away. If it doesn't, transfer's in neutral, if it does, it's not. Much less strain involved than pushing / jacking a Range Rover!
Seeing as my High to Low problem has been solved I just went out to check whether I could hear a 'clunk' when putting it in transfer neutral and it now won't go into transfer neutral! But, with the ignition switched off I can push it backwards and forwards in any selector position except park - does that mean I can be towed on all four wheels I thought. But then I remembered that I have removed the front propshaft because of my dodgy VCU so I suppose I can be towed anyhow. I think I'd better bow out from this discussion until my girl has all her bits n bobs back in place.
Note for Datatek on Dell 2600

Dell Inspiron 2600 Memory
Maximum Memory 512MB
Memory Slots 2 (2 banks of 1)
non-removable base memory 0MB

dells seem to hide 1 of the memory modules under the keyboard most of the time. You should be able to change both for 256MB giving you 512MB :)
Thanks for confirming what I already suspected - so it is indeed like all other Dell's I've dismantled.
Note for Datatek on Dell 2600

Dell Inspiron 2600 Memory
Maximum Memory 512MB
Memory Slots 2 (2 banks of 1)
non-removable base memory 0MB

dells seem to hide 1 of the memory modules under the keyboard most of the time. You should be able to change both for 256MB giving you 512MB :)

Thanks for that, I will pull it apart:):):)

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