I couldn't get it to work by editing so here goes again:)

The wire comes up through the floor in the foot wells,

Coming up through floor.jpg

It's then coiled up on the inside of the inner wing by the bonnet catch,

Inner wing(footwell).jpg

Then the wires go into an orange box/relay which is fixed to the inner wing,

Orange box above bonnet catch.jpg

Orange box above bonnet catch 2.jpg

Orange box above bonnet catch 3.jpg

More wires exit the box and go up into the top corner of the inner wing by the windscreen,

Going up towards windscreen.jpg

That's as far as I can trace them without taking the dash out. There's no sign of the wires in the engine bay and the only place I've found to unplug the "weird" sensors are at the orange box:confused:

I've also put a pic' of the RPI power amp.

Truly bizarre.

But not really i suppose. DEFINITELY not Land Rover.

Yep there's no access to the tray under the dashboard top panel without removing the dash itself, a lot of wiring runs along that area.

Continuity test to see if any of the power amp wires are linked into the wiring from the orange box?

What does the sticker on the orange box say??
Thanks buddy:D I reckon 11 years in Japan helped and I've been sorting out all the rust that I've found with "Fertan", which is amazing stuff.

I've been out with a torch and mirror to read the sticker on the orange box and it says;
STANLEY made in Japan
and underneath that stamped in white it says "BP19"

I've just tried "googling" that and came up with nothing at all:eek:
There's 4 wires leaving each orange box, which are black & white, blue & white, black and the last is white. These don't seem like standard Landrover colours to me:confused:

I cant try a continuity test yet as my multimeter chose today to break:rolleyes:

I'm seriously starting to consider disconnecting them at the orange box and taking them right out, as they don't seem to do anything.
an awful lot of plastic car lamp lenses (particularly honda from memory) have the word stanley moulded into them, so maybe its just a japanese plastic moulding company??
Does yours only run on LPG then?
Mine runs mainly on LPG, but petrol for starting and running 'til warm (normally about 20 seconds with a V8)..
Therefore, the V5 log for mine states 'dual fuel'. I has assumed all converted motors would be logged the same?
So, at each MOT, the tester has to "assume the worst case scenario" and test it on petrol.....hense why mine has the cats

just my experience, but if anyone's got a .gov link or whatever, would be interested to read
Mine was tested as it was presented... running on lpg

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