I've had a drain on the battery and traced it back to the lighting circuit - Theres 2 relays, the first one (non yellow) seems to be the source of the issue - is this a dim dip relay? I cant seem to get the wiring sequence right to allow the side light and headlights to work correctly - can anyone offer any advice?

Is it definitely a relay as i had a similar issue last year which turned out to be the main beam stalk. You can isolate this to double check?
OK - so i've replaced the lighting switches and that appears to have sovlved the drain - it starts after having the battery connected for 2 days :D Thanks!

However, now im finding that if i put on the main beam one light is dimmer than the other - same applies to the high beam - also should he relays be heating up after being on for half an hour?
OK - so i've replaced the lighting switches and that appears to have sovlved the drain - it starts after having the battery connected for 2 days :D Thanks!

However, now im finding that if i put on the main beam one light is dimmer than the other - same applies to the high beam - also should he relays be heating up after being on for half an hour?
It’s probally a bad earth for the lights. Remove plastic spats & clean up the earths on the inner wing
Check the fuses then. Each side is separately fused.
You got glass fuses? If so they corroded in the holders
Start there & work forward all the cables go straight from fuse box area to the head lights. Next joint would be behind the lights,
Remove spats to get to cables

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