
New Member
Hi guys, hope someone can help or point me in the right direction.
The clutch pedal on my manual classic has a lot of play and I can only feel resistance in the final half of the normal pedal position. The clutch will only engage with my foot pressed to the floor.
I've got the rave file but can't find anything related to this (or perhaps I'm being thick!).
Does anyone know if this model would have a clutch cable as perhaps this has gone or become slack? Or is a hydraulic clutch? Any ideas on what to look for before I start messing about would be greatly appreciated.
Well it's a hydraulic clutch. Check the pedal pivot bushes for wear for a start. If they are ok then it is probably either wear on the release arm, a tired pressure plate or a release bearing problem. Don't think its an actual bearing but a carbon pad which is prone to wear. I remember having the same on one I owned and got round the problem by putting a spacer between the slave cylinder piston and the operating rod. I used an old s/c piston if memory serves me well. This took up most of the free travel of the pedal and was meant as a temporary fix till the clutch packed in. This bodge lasted for years till I eventually sold the car. Hope this helps.:)
try bleeding it

True, I was assuming the hydraulics are not leaking. So, first check the slave cylinder, pull back the dust cover and look for fluid.Second check if the master cylinder is leaking, I think you will see fluid around the connecting rod, pedal to cylinder. If they are not leaking, back to my first post.:)
Hi guys and thanks for your help.
I've inspected the slave and master cylinder for leaks and can't see anything obvious. I decided to bleed the system anyway. I followed the manual for this however when I loosen the bleed valve I just seem to keep getting air and occasionally a tiny bit of clutch fluid!
I'd been pumping the clutch pedal for about 10 mins but no change.
I expected to get clutch fluid shooting out and for the fluid in the reservoir to start to drain is this correct? I also removed and cleaned the valve and this seems fine.
I do now have full pedal travel but even after tightening the drain valve the pedal is now very light and doesn't engage the clutch at all.
I'm guessing the problem is to do with the hydraulics as I've now made the problem worse, however I don't seem to be able to successfully bleed the system! Am I doing something wrong? Would it be worth removing the tube between master and slave to check for a blockage?
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
check reservoir is full , but its not uncommon to have to bled master cylinder when fitting new which is done by pressing pedal and holding down ,outlet bunged with your finger etc and then let pedal up ,repeat till fluid flows , but you must have a leak in system that means air is been sucked in when you let pedal up and not fluid from reservoir
Hi Jamesmartin, Thanks for that. I did check that he reservoir was full but none of the fluid from the master cylinder seems to be moving to the slave cylinder when I'm trying to bleed the system.
There were no obvious signs of a leak anywhere around either cylinder. I've also inspected around the pedal and can't see anything.
Just to clarify, to bleed the master cylinder I would need to disconnect the hose at the slave end? Do I only bung the hose whilst letting the pedal up?
I'm beginning to think there may be a problem with the master cylinder as at the moment no fluid seems to be passing to the slave. I guess if I can't manage to bleed down the hose then that would confirm a problem with the master cylinder leaking in air somewhere?
remove pipe at master cylinder ,block opening when letting pedal up so it sucks fluid from res not air from opening
And if that doesn't work take the master cylinder off, two nuts and a clevis pin, pull back the dust cover and see if its leaking
Cheers guys will give that a whirl.
Is it possible for air to leak into the system without fluid leaking out?
It's just that I don't seem to be losing any fluid at all when trying to bleed the system. I brimmed the reservoir and after 10 mins of pumping the pedal this hadn't changed!
totally spot on tomcat59alan! Removed the master cylinder and there is a slight leak visible when I removed the rubber dust cover!
Now would you guys advise replacing the master cylinder or just ordering a service kit and replacing the seals? Aftermarket Master cylinder is about £21 whereas original is £100. Service kit is a £6.
I'm thinking to replace the Master and slave with aftermarket models unless anyone tells me they are no good?
totally spot on tomcat59alan! Removed the master cylinder and there is a slight leak visible when I removed the rubber dust cover!
Now would you guys advise replacing the master cylinder or just ordering a service kit and replacing the seals? Aftermarket Master cylinder is about £21 whereas original is £100. Service kit is a £6.
I'm thinking to replace the Master and slave with aftermarket models unless anyone tells me they are no good?

For that price I would go for after market cylinders.The bores may be scored so I wouldn't go for the service kit.:D
Update and more questions!
Fitted the new master and slave cylinders. Think I seem to have bled the system via the bleed nipple on the slave cylinder. Also bled the master before connecting. Still have a light clutch pedal and it's not engaging the clutch!
Want to check I've defo bled the system correctly... I've pumped the clutch until I'm not getting bubbles but the pedal doesn't seem to have any resistance. Would you feel an increased resistance whilst bleeding? Would it be worth trying to reverse bleed the system? How long approx should it take to bleed?
I think I've done everything correctly so failing that I'll have to start looking elsewhere for the problem. Any recommendations on what to look for next?

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