
Well-Known Member
fookin thievin coonts took me old 90 last night :mad:
broke top of door and top hinge torn out of bulkhead (tw@ts only needed a pen knife to undo the lock :mad:)
luckily they was thick coonts only got couple hundred yards up the road , broke the steering lock and the locking tab jammed in the colomn so abandoned it .
was all caught on CCTV and plod say thay have a "very strong lead" yeah right!! :mad: well i got some strong leads too and 1 is a maintained lead off the end of my 12g :mad:
if plod dont have um i fookin will :mad: (and you can all lay money on that 1!!!).
What they robbed ur 90!? u got it back.? or plod got it?

oh believe me! i got it back and tucked it away somewhere very safe! :mad:
apparantly a 110 in chard went last night and a disco up the road from a mates place was broke into and they tried to bump start it (only thing that stopped um was it did'nt have a head on it as it was being re-HG )
well they aint having the 110 tonight have took the ECU out and its not leaving my sight tonight :mad:
well they aint having the 110 tonight have took the ECU out and its not leaving my sight tonight :mad:

Sorry to hear about yer 90 mate. Was it at D's or at yours when they tried to have it away?
fokin bastids!!!

glad you got it back mate... was only not long ago you fitted new tyres to it and all!

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