To be honest not a great deal. it looks crap but there isn't many holes. Where bouts are you?

About 150 miles away from you in North East England, where it rains ever so slightly less than in Scotland :)

Long way to tow. Has it got something on the front for recovery/towing. It's hard to see in the pics. I'm still mulling it over. I can see my daughter losing interest in time and me being left to do everything.
Well a new clutch and that's you good to go. You can hire a trailer for about 40 quid a day if thats easier? Once you've done a wee bit of welding and gave it a paint that'll be it sorted
Daughter has decided she wants a computer instead :) Sorry. Had a feeling that would happen once the hard reality hit. Probably for the best as I would prefer that she concentrates on exams. I do think this is a real bargain though. Good quality clutch is < £100 and it would be back on the road very cheaply.

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