
Hey all,

I woke up this morning to find an empty space in my drive. Between 1200 last night and 0630 this morning my Land Rover was stolen. It is a 1986 ex RAF, NATO green 90 with White standard LR wheels. It has the van sides and a rear swing away tyre carrier. The reg is C677FAH and was taken from MILDENHALL village near Cambridge. If anyone sees it please email me at swmocgeek@yahoo.com

Thanks Doug
really sorry to hear that, i hope you get it back, & the bas***ds are sent to the depths of bloody hell.......
Hey just thought I would provide an update. On September 11th the Suffolk police called me and said that they found my Land Rover. I was so happy and I didnt care what condition it was in so long as I had it back. I was in Croatia so I had to wait till the end of September before I got back to see it. We had to pay to have it towed back to us but we didnt care about the 230 pounds so long a Jabba was back in our lives. I expected the worst but the only real damage was to the front wings and bonnet where they smashed through a gate or something. They took the 10 pound radio and speakers but left my high lift jack and my yellow top battery. I think it was a couple of kids that didnt know what it would be worth in pieces. I know that I am extremely fortunate to get my Landy back and I just wanted to share. I now have 3 different safety devices that I attach to the Landy to hopefully keep it from happening again. Cheers to you all and hope you get yours back too. - Doug
Excellent to hear you got it back. :)

I think extra security measures are very wise - pretty much a core requirement for Defenders. No guarentee that she won't go walkabout again, of course, but at least it makes it a bit more of a hassle to nick.

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