Ex military lease, low mileage. Bizarre combination of parts, as it transpires. Some that don't appear to come from Series or later Defenders... makes it very difficult to order the right parts !
Currently struggling with this rear door lock. Seems like it was only made in 1986! A very small internal peg has snapped off and so the key no longer works. Found a replacement at Craddock for almost £100 inc VAT, or replace with the common 'anti-burst' option... but I would need the strike plate too, and possibly a threaded blanking plate for the strike plate? Cost £75 off ebay. No idea quite whether the all the anti-burst ones are the same... they all look the same but advertised for a variety of ages at a variety of prices.
Seems like a lot of money to pay for something that is only broken cos a 1mm bit of metal has snapped off inside... but crawling through from the front to unlock it from the inside is a pain. Going to post this on its own thread.
Sure you can’t just fit any 110 latch ? They are all the same up to 2001.
Get a striker to match the latch. Leave the lower bracket on your photos this stops the door vibrations.