
ive managed to get my 1985 ex mod indicators working including the dash light, problem I now have is when I turn the indicators on only one side lights unless I move the indicator switch, this is also when the ignition is off, it also flashes the trailer light with the hazards ? Any ideas? This is the last job on the wiring
sorry i was on my phone last night and it didn't make sense looking back, the indicators work find, its when i turn the hazards on the left had works and the right side doesnt unless i flick the indicator to the right then it works ok with the trailer light on the dash flashing aswell.
Some times mine do this, but if I cycle the 6 way lighting switch on and off it sorts it out - I presume it's a dirty contact or something in the 6 way switch - something to look at?
Trailer light is normal for hazards afaik, mi e does that to
I've just bought another hazard switch, its bizarre, i can get the indicators working, then the hazards wont, or i can have hazards and not indicators, I've removed the 6way switch and have a normal light switch, i think if i start with a new switch its less things to check, I've spent today in the snow cleaning out the trailer electric socket and started cleaning out all the light units.
thanks a lot for your help.
I had a problem with mine which turned out to be an earth from the hazard switch. Not sure where it runs, I just replaced it.
I'm waiting for the new switch and will have a bloody good look at the wiring, its slowly getting there, thanks a lot for your advice and help

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