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Just seeing what temp on gauge does everyone else get. Just replaced thermostat, landy get's to first line on coolant temp gauge and stays there, holds it very consistant. Wondering if other people get to it sitting half way and it sit there. Like I said only the gauge only gets to quarter way through.

with a good stat in and no blockages, it should peak ( get hot and the stat open) at half, it will rise just above half then drop back, is there any leaks? check , is the system pressurising ?
Hi, yere new stat in. Starts opening very early it seems. No blocks no leakages. Only few things can think of stat says 72 degrees on bottom instead of around 80?Viscous fan needs replacing it always spinning quite lockEd( you wouldn't want to put finger there even starting from stone cold)?The gauge inside car is wrong?It gets to first line and it sits there moves a tiny bit but stays guarding that 1st mark.
Cheers mate yere will Take it off and see what happens tempoary. Surley tho the thermostat just would work against that fact and try and keep it to say around 80?
mine were over cooling with the fan on as it wer stickin , so were cooling an already cold engine, it never got hot enough to reach half , even when towing a big ifor williams trailer

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