So, I have a 1984 Landrover 90. In its past its had a 200 TDI engine fitted. For its age its in pretty good nick. The chassis, bulk head and floor pans are all solid and is mot'd. I am wondering whether to sell it but have no idea of value. Ebay prices vary wildly. Or should I wait until April next year when I can register it as historic for zero road tax. I believe that it no longer needs an MOT. Any advice would be welcome. Mileage shows 220k but not sure how much of that is on the current engine. Had a new gearbox, clutch and brake calipers fitted a few hundred miles ago which have receipts for, but no other service history. Oh and a new exhaust. Pretty solid all round. I will try to add some pics. Four good off road tyres and a brand new spare. Any advice would be appreciated.
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