
Well-Known Member
Hi there,

our family RRC has the worrying tendency to either blow the auxiliary fuse, or ignore that it is there. As the only anoying thing is the windscreen washer not working (and the horn...), I couldn't motivate myself to chase down the wiring.

But now, I am low on fuses (which sucks, kind of...). And either I am stupid, blind, tired or any combination thereof, but I am unable to find the correct fuses online. By correct, I mean dimension wise. The 35 A glass fuses I bought online just don't fit...

Any help? Please? I'm down to three fuses...

How about finding out WHY it keeps blowing in the first place? Before it goes up in a puff of smoke!
I traced it down to so far to the windscreen washer pumps. Also it doesn't like when a 12 fridge is plugged in. The latter is solved by a secondary battery, the first one by not touching it. The wiring is, generally speaking, a nightmare. Was already when I bought it.

Also, the fuses seem to be the wrong ones, 50 A instead of 30. All the relevant stuff is working just fine, so. With the correct fuses in I gonna measure as much as I can. I just don't want to redo the complete wiring loom. Especially with the electronic ignition.

I would be more than grateful if anyone has some ideas, I'm no electrician and this is basically the only fault the car has left. And it is driving me crazy! Fun fact is, the issue seems to be rather old, I have a garage invoice for unsuccessfully trying to figure out why the horn isn't getting any current from the early 2000s.
You might want to try rigging a headlight bulb in place of the fuse.
As you work your way along the wiring the fault will cause the bulb to light & save you continually having to replace fuses.
This is for diagnostic use to locate the fault - not as a permanent fuse replacement!
Thanks! Definitely will give it a try! An off course will replace the bulb with a fuse, I don't want to light the car on fire!
So, fitted the 35 A fuse today. Blew as soon as I reconnected the battery... There has to be a short circuit somewhere in the auxiliary wiring. Or the fuse box itself. Ah, hell...

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