Its been a bit of a **** week. Went down to work on my series as the guy who was doing most of the work has hospitalised himself with 55% burns ;-( So need to get the old girl in one piece to get her out of his work shop as it probably won't be his for much longer as he will be in hospital for 6 months. Any way I put out a call for help on the series 2a page and two people offered to give up time and help me. Les and Ben, Les has had series since he was a kid and nothing he does not know Ben is 23 and rebuild a series 2a with his grandad. I would have been lost with out there help. Les came down from Southhampton for 2 days and Ben travelled one hr a day and took three days holiday and on the last day his grandad came to help !!!!
We managed to get the engine back paint work all looking sharp

13 hr days x3 days.
The following took place scavenger hunt for parts as sadly the garage owner is highly disorganised and nothing could be found. Annoyingly lots of things lost and broken, majorly ****ed off.
We had to take of the roof and side panels as the bolts that go in to the tub on each corner had not been fitted, new bolts as old ones lost !
Glass side and back fitted, two replaced as smashed !
Front windscreens fitted and stuck in. Old screws could not be found so we salvaged screws from another screen ;-)
Back door fitted, all the hinges were galvanised 1 missing so salvaged from a pile of used not shiny but we fitted it to get the door on window fitted in.
Matting fitted in the rear tub and seal strip along back tub floor.
1 lucas wiper motor fitted with all new seals. The second one could not be fitted as some idiot cut the stays rather than bloody un bolt it.
Wings fitted, missing the three hole wing brackets as could not be found. If any one has some spares of those wold be grateful.
Bumper and front grill and bonnet fitted with catch.
Still lots to do hopefully we are moving her down to Ben's place and his granddad who used to have a Landrover garage has offered to help put her back together to escape grandma !!!
3 days of long days of stress 120 mile drive home. I walked in to my barn to wonder why it was freezing to find a note on the table that my GF who was living with me for the last year and a half moved out !!!! Fantastic dumped just before Christmas. I moved from London to Wales bought a small holding to live with her as we both had horses.
So all in all feeling **** but please that my series is coming together ;-)
Young Ben ;-)
Side panels and door looking good.
Not the traditional colour but I liked it.