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I drive a 2000 Disco TD5, my insurance is just under £300 fully comp including recovery, I'm the wrong side of 60. My son on the other hand drives a 1973 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, his insurance is £120 fully comp including recovery, he's half my age. The Rolls didn't cost much more than my TD5 Discovery :rolleyes:
I'm 17 just passed, insurance on a s3 van style, fully comp, legal cover, personal accident, and physio, £1241 pm me if you know know anymore
I'm 17 just passed, insurance on a s3 van style, fully comp, legal cover, personal accident, and physio, £1241 pm me if you know know anymore


The price you've had there is extremely good for a new driver, I very highly doubt you will get anything cheaper.

Safe driving.

I am 18 and just bought a 1988 defender 90 and found that insurance on it was cheaper than most small engine cars for a person of my age! There are slight terms and conditions to finding cheap insurance for a landy for a young driver... It has to be pre 1990 and be n/a so I found the right one and bought it :) I pay 1200 a year fully comp which isn't half bad for an 18yo
I am 18 and just bought a 1988 defender 90 and found that insurance on it was cheaper than most small engine cars for a person of my age! There are slight terms and conditions to finding cheap insurance for a landy for a young driver... It has to be pre 1990 and be n/a so I found the right one and bought it :) I pay 1200 a year fully comp which isn't half bad for an 18yo

Because they know it will be up on blocks, getting fixed:p;)
Ben Waine, what insurance company was that?

My advice to Matt is to flog the mini, use the capital to buy a car that is in the insurance category 1 as this is stupidly cheap to insure (relative to your quotes). For an example, Last year when I was 17, I insured a Chevy spark for £1600 which was before the ruling by the European Courts that it was sexist to charge males more than females. Thus you should find it even cheaper to insure. I used direct line, you have to phone them though. The good thing about cat 1 insurance cars are they seem to have a value depreciation plateau between around 20k miles and 50k miles, what i mean by this is they seem to hover at that a price and so if you only do 10k miles in the year driving to get your no claims, you won't lose much as it will resale close to what you pain - tis what I found anyway. Also newer cars are far less likely to go wrong so that avoids expensive repair bills. Plus cars like the chevy cost £26 to tax.
So drive a car like that for at least a year to get your experience up whilst gaining your NCB.

Now listen here, don't do what I did and sell the sensible car after 9 months and buy a car that, I quote my self, "don't mind scratching nor crashing" as I am now sat here, writing this with a broken back in three places and a broken neck. Having a more expensive newer car seems to make you more cautious and sensible which in your first year is very helpful.

So basically be boring for a year, save money and then upgrade to a landy when you're wise and its economical sensible because remember the money you pay in insurance goes in to a horrible abyss, so the more that gets swallowed, the more you'll kick yourself later...
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ouch jasper hope you get better soon!!! assume it was a car accident?

my lad has had his landy for the last 3 years now and the ins is now £480 ish fully comp, but he now has 7 years ncb and that is on a multi car with admiral, his audi a3 quattro isn't much more!! and I am on it as a named driver too which lowers it, his first car was a nova the car cost £1200 n so did the insurance!
im 21 & had 2 accidents with previous cars, both not my fault may i add :(

got my 1991 defender 90 200 tdi & i've been quoted 450 ish for when i renew :)

so much cheaper than my 1.2 2005 punto !
Hensey, what kind of s3 do you have ? I'm 17 and it was £1200 fully comp with a couple extras and my dad as a named driver
Go to aviva van insurance, mine was £1200 ish fully comp with a couple add ons, dads was a named driver, took off about £50 from memory :)

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