Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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I know there are loads of threads about young land rover drivers and insurance but none of them seem to be insuring td5's ? I'm not 17 yet but I have a 1982 1340 austin mini as a first car at the moment. However I've been bought up around land rovers and I'm starting to like the idea of selling the mini and buying a td5 defender 90. The only thing that is concerning me is the insurance. I know for sure with the mini insurance will be around a grand. Does anyone else have any experience of insuring a td5 at the age of 17? Any advice or information would be much appreciated.
Thanks, matt.

In all honesty, if you've already got yourself a mini, stick with it. They're by far the cheapest sort of car to insure. Trying to insure a LR at your age would be extremely expensive.


Well matt has 4-5 years to save up his money to buy a damn nice one then. Hell with the insurance saving he would have 10-12k to buy a nice one, for cash
Ed: I understand where your coming from but the difference between insuring a 1.3 mini and a td5 defender can't be a dramatic increase in insurance cost to be honest. The problem is I've been bought up around Land rovers. My dad has had 6 brand new land rovers since I was born so it is in my blood. The reason I bought the mini was because people was insuring them for around £800 at the age of 17. Now I realise they aren't quite as reliable as a land rover plus lack of space could be an issue. Plus my mini is more of a show car than a every day bus.
Thor1950:I will take my test in October this year and depending on what money I got if I sold the mini a nice land rover defender 90 td5 could well be on the cards depending on insurance costs for me.
ED give him some sticker shock...:lol: Lots of insurance company's won't touch under 25 yr olds. Your age group have the worst driving records, most tickets, and highest rate of claims. But good luck with things
I know it's actually terrible, thanks mate. It would be nice to own a td5 and be driving it around at the age of 17
Why debate in a vacuum - just call and ask a few brokers - there are some specialist insurers but it still isn't going to be cheap and I'd say a Defender 90 is probably going to be more expensive again because it is the tea leaves favourite. A broker that deals with many insurers is your best bet - try A-Plan they are quite good at finding oddball policies.

Any car is as reliable as you make it, they need time and money investing regularly to keep them reliable - especially older cars (I have 4 cars more than 30 years old).
why not start with a 2.5NA 90? Slow, cheap etc and get a couple of years no claims under your belt then chop it in for a td5/300tdi?

My dad has a 200tdi which I might use that for a bit but the idea of a td5/300tdi sounds so good and they can't be much more to insure than a 2.5NA
My dad has a 200tdi which I might use that for a bit but the idea of a td5/300tdi sounds so good and they can't be much more to insure than a 2.5NA

I wouldnt know about that and no poi t guessing. Get some quotes and youll have your definitive answer.
Yeah I'm going to have a ring around some different insurance companies tomorrow to see what I will be able to insure a td5 for. Cheers goonarmy
Yeah I'm going to have a ring around some different insurance companies tomorrow to see what I will be able to insure a td5 for. Cheers goonarmy

send a PM to ED on the Adrin Flux thread with you details, he has 30 different companys to quote from
My dad has a 200tdi which I might use that for a bit but the idea of a td5/300tdi sounds so good and they can't be much more to insure than a 2.5NA

i am a fair bit older than you, and i have been driving for years and have full no claims and a td5 was a lot more than a 2.5na, the na cost me £70 fully comp

i was fishing around for quotes anyway online out of interest
If this helps; I am 21, which is only a few years older that you, and I have have just insured myself on a Defender 110 Station Wagon with Admiral Multicar fully comp for £558 for the year.
My dad is with admiral for his nissan navara (sorry for swearing) and yeah that did help a fair bit, maybe I could be a named driver on a multi car policy if push came to shove. Thanks Golding
My dad has a 200tdi which I might use that for a bit but the idea of a td5/300tdi sounds so good and they can't be much more to insure than a 2.5NA

Actually they can, a lot more. Once you add the Tdi bit. I got a quote to add my daughter to a Landy policy when she was 17. The Tdi (didn't seem to matter which one) doubled the quotes, probably because of the turbo bit :D:D:D

In the end she said she would be ashamed to be seen out in a cold ugly box :eek: so I didn't bother
Hi pal i am 19 and have owned a defender 90 300tdi from before i passed my test, i did insurance quotes and i could get insured but it was far cheaper to be a named driver ( obviously )
I found if you get a panel van type defender then it is far cheaper to insure as it can be insured as a van ie 2 seats.

My insurance is currently £900 with nfu as a named but i have had quotes at £600 , it just the old man likes nfu lol,
On my own it would cost me about £1200-1500.

I have just brought a td5 disco and it works about £1000 just the same if you buy a commercial it is far cheaper as its only 2 seats.

Hope this helped lol

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