
Active Member
hey guys my names matt from Bristol im a newbie too, im 15 sounds silly for my age but my family are land rover mad and are landy mechanics so I bought myself a disco 200mpi sounds crap but I am eventually going to convert it back to 200tdi and im going to make it into a bobtail pickup sounds like im ruining a disco but im doing it as my project so when I pass my test it will be ready for on road/ off road vehicle and so its easier and lighter on the back end when I go off roading (pay&play site) as well as greenlaning if you would like to leave any tips or hints pm me thanks and nice to meet all you lot :D
Hello there Matt! Good luck on the project! Don't forget to add pics at some point, won't be long until your 17 and hopefully it will be ready for you by then!
Any advice or if you get stuck on somthing give us a shout in the disco section.

Hello and welcome.

For the love of god stay away from the anything goes section.
thanks guys and cheers nick and I will keep you all updated soon I have just almost finished gutting the inside of the dizzy then ill put up pics when finished stripping ( the car ) . thanks once again for the help and :welcome:

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