Another top day! Cheers to Rich & Robin - top blokes as usual. Now to take off the remaining sidestep! Hmm, in actual fact no need to worry - got home and the second side step fell off lol
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Cheers guys thanks for a great day out, shame I had to bail early and miss submarine alley.
At least I've sorted my problems. Looking forward to the next outing.
well done all no major fook ups oops i mean breakdowns ahh fook it typically the curse of wilts landy man had struck again :D:D
Great day, was great to meet you all and the route was fantastic, really enjoyed it. Thanks for the help with the tyre (shat myself when I heard that hissing), and I probably provided some of you with a laugh with my 'special' driving when my difflock was having a funny five minutes ;)

Went through deeper water than I've ever been today, my kids loved the water coming in lol.

All in all a great day, can't wait for the next :)

Oh, I got some pics and vids too, I'll upload it once I can be arsed to edit the footage....
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