Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!

Tight Fart

Active Member
At the moment I have a V8 Disco, it is insured with Premium choice (was Roadsure) who advertise as a 4x4 specialist.
I've just called to see how much difference it will be to swap the cover over to a 110 TD5 and they won't cover it as
it has to many seats, they also said that although they do mini bus insurance, they wont cover a Land Rover with more than 7 seats!! (is this normall?)
Who else shall I try?
At the moment I have a V8 Disco, it is insured with Premium choice (was Roadsure) who advertise as a 4x4 specialist.
I've just called to see how much difference it will be to swap the cover over to a 110 TD5 and they won't cover it as
it has to many seats, they also said that although they do mini bus insurance, they wont cover a Land Rover with more than 7 seats!! (is this normall?)
Who else shall I try?

My insurance broker who i was with said they wouldnt cover it either, hense why i went to Flux's
yep you are a tight fart!
Tell ypour original insurer about front facing seat only, if they ask ay your taking the bench seat out
NFU were great for me. didn't mind 12 seats either and very cheap in comparision to others.
Never head of bench seats not counting (my log book says 12 seats......). I always err on the side of caution and front everything as insurance companies always look for a way out in my opinion.
As the sideways facing seats don't count for MOT, they won't show up on your V5 logbook either. Mine has 11 seats (centre front removed) but both my MOT cert and V5 state 5 seats.
:) Once whilst insuring my car I was asked when I would like the insurance to run from.

Best make it now I said as I may be taking it to be tuned later on today.

You told us that there were no modifications, I must inform you that any incorrect information about the vehicle will invalidate your insurance he said.

No mods I said, I'm just having the engine tuned.

What do you mean by tuned he said.

Tuned, you know TUNED I said, I'm having it tuned up to make it run propper.

Fraid we can't ........................

Forget it I said I'll go elswhere or words to that effect.:doh:
I had a conversation like that recently:
Have you made any mods to the car?
Yes-ive changed the wheels now there bigger
oh shouldnt be a problem....
short wait
what are the wheels for?
me:well the car wont go with out them!
No im mean are you using the car off road?
Ive already said i park on my drive
No i mean do you drive the car off road?
Yes on me drive
No I mean do you have the new wheels to drive off road?We wont insure it for any use off road.
wheres me drive then?Fairly off raod and dont need tax or mot, but im insured to be there.The insurance boys rob as much as the thiefs!
I had a conversation like that recently:
Have you made any mods to the car?
Yes-ive changed the wheels now there bigger
oh shouldnt be a problem....
short wait
what are the wheels for?
me:well the car wont go with out them!
No im mean are you using the car off road?
Ive already said i park on my drive
No i mean do you drive the car off road?
Yes on me drive
No I mean do you have the new wheels to drive off road?We wont insure it for any use off road.

Next time ask can you speak to a grown up, that REALLY ****es them off:D
double standards, get decrease in premium if parked in secure private car park, but they wont insure off road.WELL YOUVE JUST GIVEN ME A DISCOUT FOR DRIVING OFF ROAD!Bastids
I'm sure the V5s show these as 12 seats (or11,10,9etc) as they evade the london cojestion charge !!
Adrian flux were quite good on the phone,
Q, will you use it off road? A, er yes it's a Land Rover!.
Q. is it modified in any way A, not yet!

Down side is I went to veiw it tonight (1998 TD5 12 seater county) £5850 sounds to good to br true, got there and it was, a tarted up wreck.
Still looking.
I'm sure the V5s show these as 12 seats (or11,10,9etc) as they evade the london cojestion charge !!
Adrian flux were quite good on the phone,
Q, will you use it off road? A, er yes it's a Land Rover!.
Q. is it modified in any way A, not yet!

Down side is I went to veiw it tonight (1998 TD5 12 seater county) £5850 sounds to good to br true, got there and it was, a tarted up wreck.
Still looking.

How does £5850 sound too good to be true? I paid £3500 for mine.
Co-op insurance don't mind 12 seats either - Lancaster didn't want to know despite claiming to be a 4x4 specialist and despite insuring my 90 with them for 4 years - they suggested that I should modify the 110 csw to reduce the number of seats - so I said I would, then they passed me onto their underwrighters to get a quote they then told me they would issue a 'no quote' as it'd been modified!!?? I was a littlie frustrated you can imagine!!

Good old co-op. Ethical insurance plus carbon offset

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