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Hi there! Haven't been on for a while but need your to tap into you great experience regarding v8 lpg after selling my beloved 90 county TD due to everything going wrong (TD says it all!) I bought a disco for cheapness. I always said i would never have one, but to be fair it has been pretty good, 300tdi auto nice to drive etc.... but its time to get rid!!!!! Can't stand it anymore, i miss mine soooo much! Had my OH truck cab all week end and i love that car! Can't have another 90 as it just isn't big enough but want a county not a van. Any way i shall get to my point, due to the price of bloody diesel now, and the lack of chance of it changing any time soon, i thought about a v8 lpg. Always put off them as in defenders they put the tanks in the back and so you loose even more space, but that wouldn't matter in a 110 (i know they not so nice looking but so much more practical for me). I've always liked my diesels and haven't had anything to do with v8's so wanted some advise on anything i should about, pros cons etc, and what i should look for. I only decided on saturday i'd do abit of research and have think about getting one then i was offered one last night!! Wasn't sure what to so as hadn't really made my mind up but am going to have a look next weekend, kind of a friend/acquaintance that i do trust. It's a 1987 110 county v8 lpg needs a bit of tlc; small hole in bulk head and will need a new rear crossmember he thinks in a couple of years, he would throw in a good second hand door as as usual its nakerd, but good engine and new gearbox & transfer box @ cost of £1000, i think he said track edge tyres but would want new tyres anyway, will prob need spraying if i was that bothered, and the rest of the chasis is pretty good. He said if he advertised it for £1500 he'd prob get £1200. My OH is a welder fabricator by trade so that is no prob, and he spends all his spare time working on cars (he has about 6 at the mo) and brother has a compresser and sprayer so that wouldn't be prob either. The idea would be buy that and do it up over a couple of months or so until i sold mine?? So what do you think? know nothing about V8s or LPGs!!! (thanks for reading my waffle)
V8 run well on lpg, you will get about 12- 15 to the gallon on lpg on a run as they use more lpg than when on petrol, but lpg is cheaper per litre.
If its on carbs the change over from pet to gas is ok buts its a bit of a pain going back the other way, till you get the hang. you need to keep an eye on the hoses as there are a few extra due to supply to evaporator . Its a lot better if on efi and is an injection gas system. As for anything else as always with landys its down to condition, and a very careful examination, and a bit of luck JMHO:)
Be careful when you are looking at an LPG-equipped Land Rover as there are a lot of bodged conversions about which can cause you loads of problems (and expense) if you get a bad one.

Don't rely on the presence of a certificate as a guarantee that it will work properly either. I was talking to an LPG specialist when I was trying to sort out my bodged Range Rover LPG conversion (see what I mean?) and he said nine out of ten conversions he has seen had something wrong with them - certificated or otherwise!

Another thing to bear in mind is that it is an absolute nuisance having to plan your trips around where there is an LPG station, and you will find yourself running on petrol some of the time when you don't want to.

The effective mpg when based on petrol costs will equate to around the mid-20s to the gallon IF it isn't a bodged conversion and it is running properly. There are a few variables that can affect that estimate, and in the real world that usually ends up meaning it won't be as economical as you were hoping.

Apart from those considerations I think it is a good idea if you can put up with the loss of space taken by the LPG tank.

Looking at it another way, You could get a diesel and run it on vegoil. even the veg oil has shot up in price over the recent months, it work out to be about 85p/ltr to run.

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