
New Member
Right then, I want to replace the windows in the rear of a 110 with hard top sides. I want to do this because I want to put a bulkhead of some type behind the rear seats and completely seal it to keep all the crap and dust that 4 dogs produce from entering the cabin space. Now 90 hard top sides although plentiful are too long, and I want to know if the rear panels I have seen on a few 110 rears are custom cut down 90 ones made to fit or are they available to buy? Your words of wise wisdom would be appreciated on this matter please people. Ta muchly
Foley Specialist Vehicles make and supply solid rear panels for 110 CSW's.

I asked them how much they were a while ago and I think they were around £200.

Thought that was a bit steep so its probably cheaper to make some from 90 sides from e gay.
I'm gonna have a go at cutting down some 90 sides. Hopefully will be able to get some at Sodbury cheap so I won't be bothered if I fluff it.
Changing the windows for panels won't stop the dust getting from front to rear... as you say, you'll need to fabricate some sort of bulkhead fer that, changing the windows will just stop the dogs from seeing out while yer driving along ;)
one of my works 110,s had rear windows which we replaced with cheqer plate (8x4 sheet £40-50 at sheet metal works)think we split original seals and arraldited them together after fitting plate then we used the left over plate for b/head and created 18" luggage space behind front seats looked good on a navy body dont know how it will look on other colours

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