
New Member
Read a few posts regarding rear end clunk when changing gears, have taken flanges off, they look quite new as do the half shafts, very little play or worn teeth. How much play, in and out should the half shafts have? with the circlip on (and flanges) I can push them in and out a quarter inch, with the circlip off I can push them in an inch. is that normal?
There is little play on prop, new uj's, the bushings and bearing ball joint have no play.
Going to take diff cover off, can i check bearing play with diff in position?
apart from worn pointy teeth on shafts what am i looking for?
1990 110 landy
seldom have a problem with the Salisbury diff - unless run low on oil for a period of time. as above check your a frame ball joint for any free play. if not that remove the rear plate on the back of your transfer box and check for any play in the transfer gear to output shaft of the gearbox - noise from this does sound like a clunk from rear end.

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