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Insured with them for over 7 years and guess what? They are refusing to give me any no claims bonus WTF!

Try calling the actual underwriters directly, rather than the broker.

I had a similar argument with a broker recently. They said that wouldn't give me NCB for all the years I'd earned it (12 years), only upto what they consider maximum NCB (7 years). I wanted the full no claims because there are other companies who take upto 15 years.

I called the underwriter directly and they happily sent me a letter confirming the full 12 years.
Might be worth checking your V5 doc to see what it says the vehicle is. Its common for Defenders to have wrong descriptions in V5, but may cause issues with insurer, or if police ever stop you. Looks exactly like what you said it is - LR Special Vehicle 110 hardtop. You can call LR head office. They'll put you through to Lode Lane ( or Load Lane - cant remember) which is the part of LR that makes Special Vehicles. They can tell you the exact spec of the car, and what contract it was made under. Those badges on either side are 50 quid each to replace, and you need a SV chassis number, so don't park where somebody will steal them. They'll be straight on Ebay

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