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hi all ,i am 16 comeing up 17 and realy want a landrover 110 as my first car, as i dont wana drive around in a **** box,but i was just thinking how much it would cost on insurance, could anyone tell me what they are paying at 17 , and what engine they run 200/300 or v8 ?

many thanks
well that is what i was thinking when i was looking at the quotes, and the discos came out more,and ino this subject has been over and over before,but i just wanted someone to give a rought idea of what i would be looking at
If you search, this has just recently been covered as everybody seem to be getting their renewals throuh at the mo
Only real way to tell is to phone up and ask....

Depends on so many factors, and you pay a different price depending on area

If it was me I'd completely forget the idea though. Chances are you'll plough into something driving about in that at 17
well i am looking at some that are 20+ years old like the old countys but ma perants are adimant that i will get done over ,and especialy as i wanted a v8,ino :doh::doh:
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Go on chaps- what scares you most - a woman behind the wheel of a 110 or a 17year old kid ? :D
coz defenders rock and a nintey will be more as its shorter wheel base so iv been told,and i dont know i just like the v8's for some reason
I can put on lippy, change the CD, shout at the kids and try to follow signposts all at the same time and all without crashing :)
coz defenders rock and a nintey will be more as its shorter wheel base so iv been told,and i dont know i just like the v8's for some reason

Can i suggest you do some research, unless you're too busy popping zits or staring at your cock.

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