
New Member

Really hoping someone on here can point me in the right direction! Don't actually know anything about these yet as you will tell from my description below :)

The 110 has the pick up back with a canvas roof on it. Sorry - no idea what the proper name is! Its a fairly new model - not sure on the plate but I its only 3 or 4 years old.

One of the lads was loading up something in to the bosses 110 double cab and when opening up the canvas back, one of the rubber loops has snapped off the hood at one end - i.e one end of the loop that secures the hood flap to the metal of the pick up tailgate has come away from the hood.

Is this a common issue? And is there anywhere that repairs this sort of thing?! Are the canvas roofs on the back of a 110 double cab even called hoods?!

Would really appreciate any help that could point me in the right direction as we need to get it repaired.

We're in East Staffs so Derby, Birmingham etc aren't to far away.
Cheers Discokids. Typically today I'm not in the office and trying to sort this remotely! Have asked for a picture.
Hi guys,

Finally got some pictures.

Any recommendations of who to talk to to get it repair would be amazing!


If you can, get in touch with a boat yard, sailing club, they should be able to point you in the direction of someone who can stitch that back together.

I took my old one to a leather repair guy in a local town and he stitched it up.


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