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So I have a 1996 90 300tdi. I converted it to a hard top with windows and planned to stick the rear forward facing seats in. However its been decided by SWMBO that it's not safe enough for our 2 year old to sit in the back.

Its only done 66k miles and is solid. I REALLY don't want to get rid of it, especially as I don't think i'll get a 110 of similar age with simialr miles in as good condition.

Anyway, i've been looking and I am wondering should I go for a £12k TD5 or spend a similar amount on a fully rebuilt galvanised 300tdi?

Decisions decisions!!!!

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and I thought it was the side facing seats that kids are not allowed on?????? And you did mentioned forward facing seats. What's the argument that kids are not allowed on if seat belts are present?

It's so confusing now.
All my sprogs grew up in 110

when in car seats they were in forward seats as got older they sat where they liked incl the side facing bench seats

and guess what ....... they've all still here

best thing about the 110 you can put the noisy ones in the back furthest away from you

you can seperate squabbling sibblings by a whole car's length out of hitting distance

Guess the wife's issue is around using the rear door to get the little'un in and out.

Known a few guys that have put in either a forward facing bench, or perhaps even better for you, a fold up single forward facing seat (easier for the little guy to get around -Ian (Instantsquid) has done that.

Have a look at this thread

Sorry but looks a nice example, I'd have to be agreeing with Shifty;)
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If under a certain height (and abot 11yrs old) I think they need to be in forward facing. SWMBO is pregnant with our second bairn, hence the need. New baby in front passenger, her in middle, 2 yr old in rear forward facing.

But as I say she isnt happy about getting little out in a hurry and also the closeness to rear impact.

Either way I do fancy a long term 110 family wagon!
If you must have a 110, a solid 300tdi is in my opinion the best to get. But have you considered a discovery? :eek: :behindsofa:
Can sense your pain Steve-O - a really hard place you find yourself.

As ever, drive both and see which you prefer - perhaps also a question of whether you plan to do most the maintenance yourself - if so, the 300 Tdi is certainly easier (IMO) for the DIY mechanic
110s drive much better on the road in my opinion, and they're almost as good off road. Given the choice, I would have a 110 over a 90 any day
I feel your pain, Steve - I'd be gutted if I had to get rid of my Ninety. I suggested getting a 110 as well for my wife to use, but she wasn't keen - mainly because she'd have to put the fuel in it and it'd use twice as much as her Civic!

I can understand your wife's concern. However, I'm not sure the rear impact is really an issue - the Landy is so high up, that most cars would go under the back or hit the rear cross member. If you only have one forward-facing seat in the back, getting the little-one in and out really isn't an issue.

I've said it before, if you were nearer I'd suggest coming and having a look at mine and seeing how secure the seats are when "locked" in position. We're planning on taking the Ninety on our camping holiday this year. My daughter is now big enough to use a booster seat base, and my son will soon be going into a booster seat with a back.
I have shown her the photos of yours, I am 100% its will be ideal and fine but she is pregnant and in "mummy" mode!!!
Sell the wife & kids to a gang of slave traders !! and spend the money on goodies for your 90...... ( just an idea )
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