
im in the process of rebuilding my landy 110 county SW (89)

Im after advice on the following

A full body set of black Chequerplate

Ive seen a powder coated set (2mm) on ebay, pre drilled for £137 + £15 postage

Has anyone a better deal that that, or can advise if 2mm isnt good enough ? do i really need 3mm

its not really for the protection its more for the 'look'

its an old landy im trying to make look better

Link to the advert is here


kind rgds
I bought two 8ft x 4ft panels of checker plate. had it cut into shape with a grinder and a jigsaw then used etch primer and black paint and it looks great.

Not only was it cheap - but I had enough checker plate to add to my new roof rack and to line my rock sliders, and to use as trim down the side of the car also.

If you are not too bad with the above tools thats a good way to go.

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Hi Huffi

if i had the time i would go that way to be honest, but i wanted a made set as it would take me too long to do it all.

Unless you wanted to make a set for me ; )
If you bring your Landy to Nairobi I'll do the whole cars chequer plate and have lots left over - all in for about £50.
If its only for the look and its not going to be getting abused and stood on then you might as well keep it cheap and cheerful
I want it mainly for the 'looks', the sills are a bit battered and the front wings have the usual dents on the top, so i figured covering them up will improve the looks no end.

cheers for all the replies - I might ask the guy if he can do the wings and bonnet in 3mm then and the rest in 2mm as sounds the best combo

thanks for the advice guys
only got my wings done..
1. for standing in.
2. the wings are soooo battered and bent from being stood on in its former life, it looks tidier...
I am looking at Britpart DA4071 Rear wing - chequer plate to cover up damage in that area. How should I fit it? Self tapper screws, pop rivet, glue or something else?

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