Jeez somebody threw their toys out of the pram.

He got so angry he turned into 3 different people? Even the hulk could only manage 2
lol and if you look there are even more newbies asking questions befor introducing themself and contributing to the forum its getting to much
Hah, as a newbie that is completly green and after reading this I am not sure what I should be doing to be considered worthy of the site!!
This is going to be more work that trying to refurb the 110!
At least he's not as bad as the last **** who was selling over-priced rubbish... I've not had a stroppy PM yet!!
wow, great thread until that one guy with multiple personalities started al that crap. I'm a newbie here and a yank as well, but loving this forum so far!!! Lotta info on here and evidently a laugh or 2 as well!!! Big high fives to the guys who started/maintain and contribute to this forum! stoked to be on here!

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