Yu is taking the **** with the price loads of 110 200 & 300's going on fleabay for £2k to £3k at the mo. and there just isn't £4500 to £5500 worth of mods on that 110..
Yu is taking the **** with the price loads of 110 200 & 300's going on fleabay for £2k to £3k at the mo. and there just isn't £4500 to £5500 worth of mods on that 110..
totaly agree 4k max and thats if they are blind
Firstly you pair of p****s, what is the point trying to ruin other peoples adverts? Do you stand outside forecourts telling people to walk away because they are over charging?

So in short F**K OFF!

Your completely right...

This int a fookin forecourt! :rolleyes:
Firstly you pair of p****s, what is the point trying to ruin other peoples adverts? Do you stand outside forecourts telling people to walk away because they are over charging? Its up to the individual how much they ask for they're item and nothing to do with you unless you are wanted to buy it so keep your noses out. REDHAND, its obvious you have a problem since you keep commenting on peoples prices. What are you a car valuer?

Your right there are a few sheds on ebay going for that sort of money but mine I can assure you is not a shed, far from it. Infact there are a number of 110's on this very website all priced over 7K in various conditions, I think I have every right to ask that much. And no your right there isn't £4500-£5500 worth of mods on there, its more like £6500. I'll send you the list if you want.

So in short F**K OFF!

fook off yaself and take ya overpriced pimp mobile with ya.
I now understand he only has 37 posts so cannot go on the for sale section
More effort and people might look at you diferantly And you would understand that if you want to sell your car for top money this is not the place to do it as we all know what things are worth only people who buy from a forecourt pay top money
More effort? Why pick on me? Have a look at the other ads on here, same price yet you say nothing to them? I think the price is fair and if anyone wants to make an offer thats up to them.

More effort as in actually putting something back into the forum and you'd know that telling people who DO put a lot in to f**k off is a really bad idea....but then you've barely engaged in the 4 years you've been a member so how could you know :rolleyes:

Giving abuse to people, even if they criticise you, is generally considered a bloody stupid way to try and sell anything :doh:
Mainly because for the last 4 years Ive been living my life rather than sitting infront of a computer screen. I've been out of the LandRover scene for that 4 years and now I remember why. I drive my cars I dont sit around talking about them.

As for the abuse, getting told that I'm taking "the ****" was a bit un-called for dont you think? Surely a PM expressing that persons opinions would've been more acceptable, rather than scare off any prospective buyers. Which by the way there WERE a few of, so thanks very much for that.

And the only person(s) I was giving abuse to were the people who I beleive weren't actually intersted atall and just wanted to make a nuisance of themselves from behind their computer screens because it makes them feel better about themselves.

Tis up to you, you put a thread up and anyone interested is going to read it......including you telling people to fook off!

Then again I apparently don't have a life so what would I know :rolleyes:

As for taking the **** you DO know what forum this is I assume? :p
i think this forum is very good with information, i was looking at it and wondering if it was worth buying. I now know it isnt worth the asking price and am looking else where.
Thanks for the heads up guys
landysrule time to chill this site is great it just self regulates yeah peeps take the **** but it's for a reason take the banter have a laugh.Too many peeps join ask a question and never to be heard of again or join and only use site when they have a problem.This site is give and take give a little and you will get help just take and it's a fook off matey.

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