John breen

Hi there ,I was wondering if anybody could assist with advice please ,I am trying to source a replacement centre seat support ( the one that sits under the floor ) in a series 2a 109 safari as mine is so so rotten but all the suppliers I have rang have informed me they either don't stock or its discontinued .any advise please.
Cheers john
Hi there flossie I did suggest that to a supplier and was told that they were total different , is it a doable substitute ?
Cheers for your help
Sorry, I've no idea. It's just a thought being as LR liked to save money, for example I think the side frames are the same as 110 bar the odd thing so thinking maybe that cross member might be similar.
I would make my own, i am just starting one the same year, so i aint looked at it yet but probably same as yours
I bought one off land rover- about £45- Strange to walk through show room with £50k + machines on display, and me in my overalls buying a part........
A 50 x 50 box section is a good start with 25 x 3 flat as the top flanges welded to the top edges,
Cheers ciderman for your help on this ,thankfully I've managed to get a new one so hopefully that will be going on this week ,one step further towards the mot
YRM do them don't they?

That's not the bit tis a floor stiffener.
The bit the OP wants bolts to the chassis and carries the 2nd row seat loads.
That's not the bit tis a floor stiffener.
The bit the OP wants bolts to the chassis and carries the 2nd row seat loads.
Oh OK - not sure what they could be then. My second row seats sit on the floor but have their front parts on the step. So not the floor where the second row passengers have their feet (which is a different all in one piece) - the third row or sideways facing seats sit on the wheel arches (but that's also part of the same rear tub construction)...
If you look underneath, inline roughly (from memory) with the outer triangular infill panels (behind the 2nd row doors) you will see an upside down channel/box section type fabrication atop the chassis. I think(again from memory) that the lower mountings of your 2nd row seats bolt to brackets which in turn bolt to this channel that is in question.

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