"Nige" <nigel.inceGETAWAY@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> "Lee_D" <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote in message
> news:4s4a9gFtvco3U1@mid.individual.net...
> > Nige <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> uttered summat worrerz funny
> > about:
> >> Tom Woods wrote:
> >>> On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 14:52:03 -0000, "Nige"
> >>> <nigel.inceGETAWAY@btinternet.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Anyone got one spare? Is it special or will any V8 dizzy do?
> >>>>
> >>> does the 24v one have the same innards?
> >>>
> >>> ebay item 320047807114 currently 99p from mr craddock.
> >>
> >> hhhmmmmm

> >
> > Nige, I've been thumbing through those mags Alan Hughes took to the
> > Unofficial, one has an advert from these who rebuild distributors,
> > prices quoted as "fromĀ£94.48 each" in 2002. Dunno if it's worth a
> > look.
> >
> > http://www.holden.co.uk/
> >
> > Lee D
> >

> Ta matey

I think I'm wasting my time, no part number forthcoming so I don't know if
I've got an old distributor body with bobweights that you can have for SFA,
it's such an easy job to swap the Lumenition bits over and I've some of
those lying about also. Some people have too much money. :)



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