Nah, deep fried em!!!

Managed 400 miles over about 4 days on pure stuff with starting becoming a bit more and more laboured from cold each morning and tickover getting faster and faster, with more dubious puffs of smoke at random times - it was the fast tickover that was most disconcerting but i put it down to veg having slightly more calorific value than diesel.

Was off on Fri and the landy didn't move, then went to start on sat and it wouldn't. Ran the batt right down. Luckily live on a big hill so coasted down it and jump started (tis a very main road and by the time it started there was quite a queue behind me!!) and when it started up there was the MOST immense cloud of smoke i have ever seen - complete smokescreen, ladies and gentlemen i present The Great Marvolodenne and his amazing disappearing landy! Drained half the tank down and refilled with diesel, 10 miles in and she's sweet as a nut again so no big loss but i was a bit worried for a while! I know 75% is fine so i'll probably quit the experimentations while i'm ahead and keep it around that ratio!
so what would cause it to tick over too fast - and a bit erratically - then?
where do you get yours rom Oddy ?

have been running mine on near 100% of Tescos finest for months n months and months now with no issue - but i do put a couple of litres of petrol in per full tank
'Aven't had any probs with mine. If I leave it ticking over for a while I get a little bit of smoke but otherwise ok. That fast tickover sounds like it's getting oil into the cylinders from somewhere. Does it still do it once it's warmed up?
where do you get yours rom Oddy ?

have been running mine on near 100% of Tescos finest for months n months and months now with no issue - but i do put a couple of litres of petrol in per full tank
That's another thing i thought - it was fine on the Pura and then i went over to Asda pure stuff which comes in 3 litre bottles. I noticed that normally veg oil has a calorific value of 900 and this only has 828 per 100ml, which is the same as it would be if it had that anti-foaming agent in it, but that isn't mentioned on the ingredients!

The 200 is really sweet otherwise, no probs whatsoever, no leaks, smoke, usual ailments and now i've put half a trank of diesel in it's absolutely fine, so i think it might be down to Asda mis-representing their product as pure veg oil when actually it isn't!
'Aven't had any probs with mine. If I leave it ticking over for a while I get a little bit of smoke but otherwise ok. That fast tickover sounds like it's getting oil into the cylinders from somewhere. Does it still do it once it's warmed up?
No, but it only did it on the 100% veg oil and is completely fine on thinned stuff!- the engine oil level is fine though and hasn't dropped at all in the last few months.
so what would cause it to tick over too fast - and a bit erratically - then?

Well based on what your saying it sounds like the idle speed governor was clogged/jammed with something, probably to do with the viscosity of the oil.

Injection pumps rely on very fine tolerances to work correctly, the springs are very delicate and the slightest bit of dirt can cause problems.

For example the pump relies on hydraulic pressure between the high pressure part of the pump and the feed into it. When this drops it knows that the foot has been put down and you want to accelerate, the pump will throw in FULL fuel to get you up to the desired speed - as set by the position of the throttle.
Gave it a good run yesterday and it's back to about 60% veg now and running sweet as anything, not a murmur (well, nothing out of the ordinary anyway!) - i reckon it must be asda dodgy veg oil! Might have ter get in touch with em about that!
- i reckon it must be asda dodgy veg oil! Might have ter get in touch with em about that![/quote]

:D :D a wonder if they will honour there 100% satisfaction or your money back guarrantee :D :D
Int it a double guarantee - money back AND replacement, might be able to get a few miles out of them like this (particularly with a threat of trade descriptions etc!)

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