
Active Member
As It says above. It's the crisp and dry rape seed oil. Just stood in asda car park putting 40 ltrs in, getting some strange looks mind.
I've been running my 200 on it for about 5 months. Ran my 300 on it for a year, just always make sure I carry a spare fuel filter in the car with me and change it every month or so, they cost penny's any way
Crisp and dry isn't 100% veg oil, it has a lot of additives including silicone, which doesn't burn and will clog up yer injectors quite quickly. Make sure the calorific value is 900cal/100l rather than 800 or 810, otherwise you will enter a world of pain.
I have just had a look and crisp and dry, despite being billed as 100% rapeseed oil, in fact only has a calorific value of 828 per 100 ml. It contains an anti-foaming agent which accounts for the 10% reduction in power it gives, which means that about 10% of what you are trying to burn is effectively non flammable bathroom sealant, i would strongly advise that you don't put it in your tank.
The fuel filter clogs up with the silicon. I've never had any probs with it
No it doesn't. It blocks the injectors. The fuel filter clogs up with the crap that the oil clears out of your pipes. There is an urban myth that Lucas pumps can't cope with veg oil but this is absolute rubbish.
And when I change the fuel filter, I put 50mls of meths in it and that cleans any crap out
I have stripped my injectors off my 300 and they were squeaky clean. it works for me so I will be carrying on with it, it doesn't work for some people but hey ho. My friends disco doesn't like bio but other people use it
I'm not talking about bio or veg oil which all work fine, i'm talking specifically about Crisp n Dry.
but what about ktc which has E900 in it and the same values as crisp and dry, and the oils that are used in making bio that have E900 in? I know bio has other additves in it, but shorely they would'nt use it if it ****ed injectors up. i could understand E900 causing a problem if use straight, but my experience of crisp and dry or any other oil and mixing it has been fine, as long as the fuel filter is regualy changed.

This is of course only my experience, maybe im lucky or maybe other people are unlucky. I would rather risk it and stick the finger upto the goverment

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