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So I’ve got this “new to me” TDV8,
It’s got a full history stamped by main dealer and a recent service by a specialist,
Would you change the gearbox oil to be on the safe side?
And if so what oil? I’ve still got 12 litres from when I briefly had the supercharged, would that oil be sufficient? It’s the correct oil for a 2007 supercharged gearbox
I do not know the correct oil, but I would certainly change the oil and maybe the filter too.
Yeah that was my thinking, I know it’s not the gearbox made of cheese like the td6 but prevention has got to be worth considering
Change all oils, including brake fluid, so you have knowledge it’s been done, not a piece of paper !
The seller told me it was just services and to be honest I believe him, it had the turbos replaced at the same time, the oil hasn’t got to the deep black that diesel oil gets to very quickly, the anti freeze looks brand new as does the brake fluid, I will at the weekend look at the oil filter and see if that looks new but otherwise I think it would be a waste of money changing it all again
The seller told me it was just services and to be honest I believe him, it had the turbos replaced at the same time, the oil hasn’t got to the deep black that diesel oil gets to very quickly, the anti freeze looks brand new as does the brake fluid, I will at the weekend look at the oil filter and see if that looks new but otherwise I think it would be a waste of money changing it all again
Never a waste of money to be sure, engine and gearboxes are expensive. Even if the oils have been changed, do you know if quality lubricants have been used?
Oh ok that’s useful info,
I’ll dig a little deeper just to be sure but sounds like I’ll just need the filter then.
Its the ZF6hp26 which takes a special fluid change it every 60k.

ZF LIFEGARD 6 is the only fluid it should have, if you use conventional dextron your gearbox will eat itself immediately..

The fill and drain is a right mission.

This video is a good reference to all you have to do.

if you're unsure as to whether its been serviced the size of the sump bolts will tell you.

All stock ZF 6hp gearboxes came from the factory with T27 torx heads which strip all the time, all kits come with uprated t40 heads so if its been serviced in the past and you don't know thats a good indicator.

Another thing is the megatronix seal will leak after a set period of time and drop Tranny fluid all over your driveway, the proper ZF kit which is around £260 will have.

7ltrs or Lifegard

A new plastic sump - the filter is housed within the sump all as one unit.

A new megatronix seal

21 T40 bolts

And other misc items as well as an instruction boolet, as the drain and fill procedure has to be followed to the letter.

If you're not doing this yourself make sure it is taken to a specialist or someone competent.

If the procedure isn't done correctly the gearbox will be toast.

This Box is the best one fitted to any RR apart form the Torqeflite of the early RRC ;)

It'll happily handle 700nm even though it is rated at 600nm :)

if well maintained it will outlast the car...
I did the flush on my SC, made the world of difference, interesting about the new bolts, I’ll take a look at the weekend, glad it’s likely to be the same fluid, I bought 20litres of it and only used 12
I did the flush on my SC, made the world of difference, interesting about the new bolts, I’ll take a look at the weekend, glad it’s likely to be the same fluid, I bought 20litres of it and only used 12

T40's will be fitted if its been serviced in the past, slide under and have a look.

ZF LIFEGARD 6 is the only fluid that should be used..

Nothing else..

Also there are many kits that are "cheaper" but it isn't worth it, get the proper ZF kit..

The Sump is plastic and the filter is moulded into the sump its one unit.
I’ll check the oil I have, I know I did a lot of research when I bought the oil to make sure I got the right stuff so presumably it’s ZF lifeguard 6
So I've got this "new to me" TDV8...And if so what oil?
Is it a 3.6 litre TDV8 (= ZF 6HP26/ZF Lifeguard Fluid 6) or a 4.4 litre TDV8 (= ZF 8HP70/ZF Lifeguard Fluid 8)?


Bit of a strange one today,
Did a gearbox sump dump on the rangie,
Figured I’d do 2 or 3 over the next month or so and then change the filter, I did it this way on my SC and by the time I did the filter the oil was coming out like new,
Oil came out fairly clean but I’m still going to do the filter soon,
Topped up correctly, engine running and oil up to 40 degrees, all good,
On test drive though just after leaving my house i came out of a corner and got revs but no acceleration, eased off and carried on without a hitch.
Gear changes are smoother and all seems good but why on earth did it skip that once???
With a pressure sprayer modified, used it a few times for the same thing, fill it cold then start the car wait until the oil reaches 40 degrees and while it’s running top it up again

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