Just loaded up with shopping for the weekend, we have all the family coming so lots of mouths to feed, plus the grandchildren.

Probably coming with Rob and his 110 CSW in convoy, Phil's MOT isn't until 15.30, so fingers crossed that his D2 gets through.

I'll have to get the satellite signal direction from Dishpointer before we leave, saves a lot of playing about setting up, not that we watch mutch TV, but the grandkids get bored easily.

Looking forward to this sadly my landy is no longer coming for several reasons some of them my ill health but im coming anyway. I too have been shopping for the weekend and have bough a load of new camping stuff.
Just about all sorted, packing done, food organised, landy running great (except no handbrake) just need to bolt in child seat, throw everything in caravan, spark up sat nav and I be with you all shortly, looking forward to some of the demo's and some green laneing.
And cake, beer and meeting lots of you
Reading about everyone getting ready makes me wish I could be there for the whole weekend :(

Still, Sunday's better than nothing eh! :)
Hope you all have a great time and looking forward to seeing your ugly mugs in a future anniversary photo thread. I'm in the UK but very tied up with family commitments so can't make it.
SWMBO has finished the cupcakes - she's gonna ice them when we arrive - so that the icing is nice n soft n fresh. She's doing vanilla, chocolate and strawberry icing with a mixture of toppings. She's done some 'small' bitesize ones and 'normal' sized cupcakes - none of those horrifically large monstrosities mind!
Saw 110w at site, met mod1 he is here and sitting drinking beer with us tonight.

Marquee is great and château fanatic is set up

Just off to bed :)
Will do, If i can find them. We came back from Naples last week, the Italian sunshine was definitely missing!
In case it starts to sprinkle is with that wet stuff again and seeing as I have teenagers. What's the WiFi like? ( actually it's for me while I wait for my palace to be erected so I can play on Candy Crush and just keep issuing the odd instruction through the window)
I got perfect internet connection on vodaphone in the marquee last night and I think there's wfi on the site too

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