might be coming on the weekend! woo hoo!

and I see PaulD is coming twice :D

Best of all is we're off the page with the giant cake! :lvlove-158:
Even accounting for the fact that Accy won't have bought a ticket and Paul D won't have bought 2 :p we still have people on the list that are apparantly ticketless at present :eek:
Well I didn't put meself on twice, I edited my line to show who was definitely coming ..
Even accounting for the fact that Accy won't have bought a ticket and Paul D won't have bought 2 :p we still have people on the list that are apparantly ticketless at present :eek:

Highlight them on the list as a reminder?

Robert Forbes
Philip Forbes

All on the four tickets I bought, so they should be OK.

Guilty as charged.. I ain't actually bought a ticket. Hope I can get in!

Well I knew you wouldn't have :p so I didn't even count you in the numbers :D
The bouncers we have on the gate had been told to refuse entry to any undesirables but then we figured we ought to drop that rule as it was an LZ bash after all and that'd count the lot of you out :D
Highlight them on the list as a reminder?

Robert Forbes
Philip Forbes

All on the four tickets I bought, so they should be OK.


Yes my ticket supplied free by Listerdiesel is pinned to my cork board in my office, thank you once again Peter. :)
Bushwwacker and mrs Bushwwacker
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it up int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
LISTERDIESEL + Mrs Listerdiesel + D2 + Ruston Engine - weekend
Robert Forbes + Defender CSW + Family - weekend
Philip Forbes + D2 - weekend
GINGE - Weekend ticket bought
Paul D. Wife and 18 year old son ..
3.5efi and Marc
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter#Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
DJ Xan and Just Debs.
Freddy (got a ticket and hope to get there
top-cat Friday onwards
D90Mitch + a mate (all weekend!)
ShaunLWB +1 (all weekend)
Kev1nlm + family (sat night )
Jas_williams (all weekend)
Carrington224, Mrs C and our dog Jack. (All weekend)
NeilB and Labs, Chewie and Chip. Friday to Sunday.
Nig and possibly Joe (son) sat night
B20wnx + Doris + grandson all weekend
Rachel S and Glenn + 2 teens
Witchbro & son
Paul D
Poppy & Jess ( Rach's got tickets)
So.am I . I really should be revising for the exam I've got the day after but playing with landies and meeting you lot is much more appealing
Bushwwacker and mrs Bushwwacker
Blue Beasty +1 and Beastlet
PONTYSLAPPER + SWMBO and the likkle slappers, Em 6 & Tom 2 - both landy nuts - Glamming it up int glamping pods as its SWMBO's 40th on weekend before.
LISTERDIESEL + Mrs Listerdiesel + D2 + Ruston Engine - weekend
Robert Forbes + Defender CSW + Family - weekend
Philip Forbes + D2 - weekend
GINGE - Weekend ticket bought
Paul D. Wife and 18 year old son ..
3.5efi and Marc
Deasy for Friday night beers only and help set up if needed
Hideehi & bro
l489 owe + daughter#Chloe.Hopefully. Can't confirm just yet.
Flatlander + Mrs flatlander
TD5 + mate
Livers and boss of Livers AKA the posterior
Ohitsher +1( hopefully)
Ratty (Sunday provisional
Laner and MrsL (I'm a first aider with the British Red Cross)
zen and mrs with sally or maybe brb
Disco2TD5 & mate.
Pikey & Minty.
KeepDigging (one day or the other)
lr110 + mrs lr110 an kiddys (all weekend)
DJ Xan and Just Debs.
Freddy (got a ticket and hope to get there
top-cat Friday onwards
D90Mitch + a mate (all weekend!)
ShaunLWB +1 (all weekend)
Kev1nlm + family (sat night )
Jas_williams (all weekend)
Carrington224, Mrs C and our dog Jack. (All weekend)
NeilB and Labs, Chewie and Chip. Friday to Sunday.
Nig and possibly Joe (son) sat night
B20wnx + Doris + grandson all weekend
Rachel S and Glenn + 2 teens
Witchbro & son
Paul D
Poppy & Jess ( Rach's got tickets)

Still unsure of how long I can be there for or how many will come with me as still waiting for sprog to be born. Might just be me comming up for the night
There will be others who have things you might have forgotten, we always manage to forget something, last trip it was the milk! There's a small shop on site if I remember correctly.


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