
New Member
I would like to know from anybody that has done this, and the correct way to do this.

The cv's and wheel bearings run in diff oil.......but we all know they leak and this is not good for the environment and other road users as they can slip/skid off the road.

I was thinking of greasing up everything, but, my concern is the brass bushes of friction rings I think they are called. The later front diffs have a different cv and in the place of the brass there is needle bearings.

My Question is can I just grease everything and all good or is there actually a modification out there. I did check the how to in this section before I asked but if I missed it just linky thingy me please.

Thanx for your help in advance.
Am I on virgin territory here................come on where are the guys that cut their teeth on these baby's, I am a youngster that wants to learn please.......pretty please...🙏

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